Get The Shot, or Not (COVID-19)

Posted by NealS 3 years, 8 months ago to Ask the Gulch
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I gave in to a VA medical doctor, in fact my Pulmonologist. She called me and told me I needed to get the vaccine because of my pulmonary issues, she was particularly worried about me getting sick. Told me she already had patients with similar conditions that have died from the virus. I gave her my “conspiracy” thoughts on the rDNA issues with the vaccines, when she told me the Janssen (J&J) vaccine was a different ballgame. After hearing hardly any issues against the J&J other than some blood clots, I decided to give it some thought.

Then the following Wednesday (before serious thinking) I got an email from the VA, telling me that on the following Saturday they were offering the J&J vaccine to those that didn’t want the other ones. They made it sound like it would only be offered one day only, and it had a link to make an appointment. I clicked on that link and made my appointment and got shot up on Saturday. It was like an assembly line, actually about 6 lanes wide running through the halls, surprisingly very efficient, almost as efficient as the line at an induction center back in ‘66. I was fine, no issues. Well no issues until a week or so later (I didn’t keep track) when the headaches started, now consistently I wake up with a headache every morning and feel it most of the day, every day. It' not particularly painful, but always present. It seems to move around in my head, left side, right side, forehead, back, all over. My body feels exceptionally tired, sometimes it’s almost difficult to keep my eyes open, except I am really not tired, just feeling so, I get plenty of sleep. And also I especially notice that my joints ache, fingers, and elbows mostly, and seem to have a slight upset stomach. My other sinus issues also feel to have gotten worse. Tomorrow is 12 weeks from getting the shot.

I’m posting this only for information only, I’m sure each and every one of you can and will make your own decision as to getting fixed or not. I just don’t recommend it. My wife is angry that I got talked into it, she will not be taking it, and 2 of my 3 adult kids have also opted out. The majority of my coffee group has not been shot, those that have seem to have no issues yet. Two of the guys had the virus, one felt poor for a day or so then recovered, the other spent almost week in the hospital.

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 8 months ago
    Live your life to your best and fullest. No one knows what tomorrow brings. I have lots of friends and family who took the VAX FIX so all I can say to them and to you is, it’s time to live life now. Nobody knows where any of this is headed, vaxxed or unvaxxed.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 8 months ago
    Interesting Post! I had the virus for 6 days. Lost my appetite (lost 16 pounds). Fever one day 102. Some slight weakness. I'd had the pneumonia vaccine so no respiratory involvement. Compared to the other 4 times I have had the flu, it was nothing.
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