Posted by 2112 4 years ago to Business
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Will anyone shrug?

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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years ago
    I read another description of this which was pretty accurate: "It's all the worst employment laws of the past 30 years rolled up into one package."
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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years ago
    Terminated my last employee Nov. 2019. Closed business and moved 300 miles. Any work I perform is expressed as cash payment for service or goods preferred. I've minimized my debt load to be paid in 5 years maximum. I seek barter before monetary exchange. In process of developing permaculture consortium....expect to be eating 75% from this by year end, and 95% by end of next year.
    Close enough to Shrug?
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  • Posted by Katrina41 4 years ago
    What will this law do to folks who work side jobs in addition to their regular full-time jobs? Independent contractors have now been openly labeled as a danger to unions under this law, simply because the unions have no control over them. My entire family is beginning to think shrug.
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  • Posted by 4 years ago
    I am curious about the hit to any manufacturing jobs, big or small. Mom and pop franchises, independent online businesses. graphic artists, editors, research developers, etc...

    This bill is nothing but a continued threat to jobs, development, and further drag down on those who actually create the jobs as these folks claim oppression. And how will this work in environments (blue-run states) that have CRUSHED the job market? Further shifting policy to outsource to foreign countries, and well... back to Americans last.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 4 years ago
      I can give you a short answer based upon 30 years of manufacturing business ownership, and another 5 managing a profit center as an employee in similar industries.
      The regulations, taxes, fees levied across a genre of activity is leveraged to economy of scale. Small business is forced to try to cover this by raising prices, sometimes to the point of relocation to less expensive overhead. Sometimes the burden is not worth the effort of continuing commerce. The cost per man hour productivity and profit gets too high.
      Case: From 2002 - 2006 my property tax expense went from 2k to 8k annual, storm water runoff fees of $1200 per year beginning 2003, extra hazardous waste and fire inspection fees. There was an attempt to re-classify my business in SIC Code that would result in higher unemployment taxes. Customers began sourcing elsewhere from my services and products, only to find the increases across the "supply" base.
      1995-6 Clean Air Act affected costs through regulations on automotive fuels. GE and Toshiba Electric had synchronously developed new electric motor technology. GE was applying this to diesel driven motors on freight rail transport. The technology was projected to reduce fuel consumption 32% to 35% across the second largest consumer in the country, first being the US Navy. Best guess is that players in the refining industry lobbied for the "Act". The more processes needed to "clean" automotive (Semi Freight) resulted in a "profit" per stage of process....and for the first time the price of diesel exceeded regular gas. Revenue rate/volume continued for the refineries for less fuel produced overall. Cost passed indirectly to the general consumer.
      Auto safety crash testing is a similar scenario. There are similar scenarios in electric power generation. Combinations of government and large corporate forces such as OSHA, JIT, ISO and 6-Sigma are geared toward large business. I've had two customers suspend their Requirements to Contract, regarding ISO and 6-Sigma, in order to do business with me......I've no "Box" to be outside of.

      there's a nutshell expression to ponder and explore a bit
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      • Posted by 4 years ago
        And you have nailed it. The words of these bills, and the far-reaching damage they inflict... you nailed it.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 4 years ago
          I got nailed by this. Quite an adventure so far. The newest perspective, as of this morning; Philanthropy equals Tax Shelter.
          One edit from above: The SIC code change would have affected my Product Liability Ins. as well.

          There is a solution to all this mayhem, It lies in the realm of philosophy. When Ayn Rand authored The Objectivist Ethics she established the all inclusive baseline of values and value driven morality and ethics for Sapiens.
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