Does anyone know of a Go Galt Guide?

Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 4 years, 1 month ago to Going Galt
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Any books or websites that would outline practical ways to lessen one’s impact on society and vice versa?
We aren’t all brilliant engineers with rich banker friends. But it sure would be helpful to bring others along if there was a checklist/guide/primer. I’m sure we all know the basics. No Debt. Minimalism. Self Reliance. But, how about getting rid of Amazon? Cell phones? Going Amish but with electricity and antenna TV? Anybody have any ideas?
I stumbled into a nest of leftists online a couple days ago. They were talking about a work stoppage on the 20th and the 21st. I couldn’t resist and started trolling them. I said “You mean GO GALT?!” The forum kind of erupted. One thing curious about leftists. They get TrIgGeReD at “Go Galt!” But then proceed to vote in policies that make it easier to Go Galt. Maybe, they just resent the competition.

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