GOP purge

Posted by craigerb 4 years, 2 months ago to Government
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As Capitol intrusion shows, the GOP needs a purge. All officials who supported eliminating party primaries and platform should be forced out of their positions. #NeverTrump #NeverBiden

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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 2 months ago
    I don't think we're any where near the description of societal collapse as Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. We could have many states fracture inside themselves where you have enclaves of liberals in the major cities against conservatives in out lying areas. So, you not only have fracturing of whole sections of the US but the states will come apart. This could very well happen here in Arizona.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 4 years, 2 months ago
    It looks like there is going to be a purge, but with the bad guys (Mitch McConnell and his allies) purging the good.

    The list of Republicans in Congress who objected to certifying the electoral votes (14 of 50 Senators and about 120 of 210 House members) is as good a list as we have of who stood by Trump, and who were the backstabbing RINOs.

    I expect that Trump's America-first movement will go on, but whoever they run in later years may be better off running as independents or forming a new third party. If we're going to form a third party we need to make sure it can't be taken over by impostors as the GOP was. This may require some new mechanism such as a self-perpetuating governing board, or just the hidden group of large donors that successfully blocked Ron Paul and his allies from taking over the GOP in 2008 and 2012.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 4 years, 2 months ago
    This is the end Of Republican Party, weak is worse than nothing. The old argument of choosing the lesser of two evils is not ever going to work. Need a new party. It will split Republican party for a while but that's another way to drain the swamp.
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    • Posted by Russpilot 4 years, 2 months ago
      I have been proud to call myself a Republican for over 35 years now. No more. There aren't enough people in the party with a set of gonads to convince me that they will fight for what is right and what is needed.
      Alongside that, I believe that actual fair elections are a thing of the past. I have withdrawn my support of the GOP, and their crummy, spineless candidates and will henceforth cease to participate in elections until such time that I either find a party that represents my beliefs or I can honestly believe that elections are real and valid.
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      • Posted by Turfprint 4 years, 2 months ago
        I would settle for an individual, not necessarily a party. When the Tea Party first started it was interesting, then opportunist wrangled control and were really only interested in building a large organization for their own benefit.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 2 months ago
      Yeah...I think the GOP is sinking even lower. We need a real third party anyway. Maybe that will finally happen. Imagine three real parties. My buddy says we need to start the "Honest Party". Haha...
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        Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 2 months ago
        I'm just afraid the third party would be in the minority. What's left of the other two parties would join into a long-term one-party government.

        I'm not saying we shouldn't try, but from what I understand outside my bubble most people want liberal gov't spending.
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  • Posted by Stormi 4 years, 2 months ago
    I remember when Obama banned incandescent bulbs, in favor of Chinese ones,I though how Rand had predicted it in "Anthem." Now they are censoring what you may post or read, also in that novel with books locked away. Rand knew that without the dilligence of the public, what could, and has happened in this country.
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  • Posted by ssdwin 4 years, 2 months ago
    Exactly how does being forced out of positions happen? I thought voting did that. If not the vote, you're suggesting with guns? I thought our Constitution was created to prevent that. Trump did something revolutionary--used the power of persuasion in ways nobody had thought of before. He leaves a way other would-be positions should follow. The socialists will scurry back into their holes as people watch the destruction of their lives under full-bore collectivism..
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 2 months ago
    Who is supposed to do it?
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 4 years, 2 months ago
      Well we are on Galt’s Gulch there’s pretty much a resident political mindset here. We just need the Libertarians to actually try. We need dynamic candidates that command attention. Good political judgement is one thing. That can always be found. But we need some personality. Penn Gillette is a good start. His head isn’t completely up his ass. His question of “Can this problem be solved with MORE freedom?” Is a good place to start. Also the government is a gun. You don’t use a gun to build a library. You don’t use a gun to send money to Pakistan for “gender studies”. Not that gender studies are a bad thing. If you want to be non-binary I don’t care. But don’t use a gun to coerce me to accept it. You can ask me. You can convince me. But don’t coerce me with threat of violence.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 2 months ago
    My fear about the parties purging their radical elements is they could join forces and possibly become a majority.
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    • Posted by Tavolino 4 years, 2 months ago
      There were already the joining of forces that became the majority; it’s called the bureaucratic party. As Rand said many times they (Dem/Rep) are just opposite sides of the same coin. The move is on away from the American system towards the old European ways, and I see three factions vying for control; the ingrained bureaucracy, the statist progressives, and the populace. The freedom-loving people are fighting two and a half of them. The formation of our country with its acknowledgment of rights just postponed this move for several hundred years, and for the same reasons, Trump upset the American shift, Hong Kong with China, and Brexit with the global elites. The purging of the radicals forming any kind of commonality will only be differentiated by their outward display of force. The bureaucracy is much more insidious and just maybe term limits should apply to them as well as the politicians.
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        Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 2 months ago
        I didn't follow the second part, but I really agree America is unfortunately moving toward being an ex-empire country like European countries. It's almost a cliche to say we're becoming like a bloated, corrupt Rome.

        I take some comfort from the idea that the average citizen today understands she should be free to travel, make willing trades, be free from harassment, and keep what she earns, without regard to group identity like race, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, and so on. OTOH, there has been an increase in socialism and lack of understanding of basic ideas of liberty. My prediction is that America will become more like the EU, no "collapse" of any sort but no beacon of liberty; increases in liberty will come somewhere else. The world is getting smaller, so any "somewhere else" on earth is close. Maybe blockchain will decentralize industries and be a model for decentralization. I can't predict the future.
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    • Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 4 years, 2 months ago
      I would argue that this describes today's Democrat party...
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        Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 2 months ago
        "this describes today's Democrat party
        The Democrats have not yet purged their radical element, and their radical element has not yet discovered their statism is nearly identical to President Trumps.
        On one hand I want a party that's clearly for decreasing the size and intrusiveness of the government, but OTOH I'm afraid it would be in the minority. It might be better to have President Trump's deplorables and Democratic socialists stupidly fighting one another rather than working together.
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