GOP purge
Posted by craigerb 4 years, 2 months ago to Government
As Capitol intrusion shows, the GOP needs a purge. All officials who supported eliminating party primaries and platform should be forced out of their positions. #NeverTrump #NeverBiden
The list of Republicans in Congress who objected to certifying the electoral votes (14 of 50 Senators and about 120 of 210 House members) is as good a list as we have of who stood by Trump, and who were the backstabbing RINOs.
I expect that Trump's America-first movement will go on, but whoever they run in later years may be better off running as independents or forming a new third party. If we're going to form a third party we need to make sure it can't be taken over by impostors as the GOP was. This may require some new mechanism such as a self-perpetuating governing board, or just the hidden group of large donors that successfully blocked Ron Paul and his allies from taking over the GOP in 2008 and 2012.
Alongside that, I believe that actual fair elections are a thing of the past. I have withdrawn my support of the GOP, and their crummy, spineless candidates and will henceforth cease to participate in elections until such time that I either find a party that represents my beliefs or I can honestly believe that elections are real and valid.
I'm not saying we shouldn't try, but from what I understand outside my bubble most people want liberal gov't spending.
I take some comfort from the idea that the average citizen today understands she should be free to travel, make willing trades, be free from harassment, and keep what she earns, without regard to group identity like race, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, and so on. OTOH, there has been an increase in socialism and lack of understanding of basic ideas of liberty. My prediction is that America will become more like the EU, no "collapse" of any sort but no beacon of liberty; increases in liberty will come somewhere else. The world is getting smaller, so any "somewhere else" on earth is close. Maybe blockchain will decentralize industries and be a model for decentralization. I can't predict the future.
In this scenario they would realize, as in a romantic comedy, they were more alike than they realized.
The Democrats have not yet purged their radical element, and their radical element has not yet discovered their statism is nearly identical to President Trumps.
On one hand I want a party that's clearly for decreasing the size and intrusiveness of the government, but OTOH I'm afraid it would be in the minority. It might be better to have President Trump's deplorables and Democratic socialists stupidly fighting one another rather than working together.