Laws vs Regulations
Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 8 months ago to Government
After considerable digging I have come to the conclusion the laws vs regulations carry pretty much the same weight with enforcement. Laws tend to have jail and financial penalties whereas regulations tend to have financial and ownership consequences. The biggest difference is that laws are debated and voted on by Congress whereas regulations are determined by bureaucrats with little if any input from outsides sources. Regulation without Representation. A citizen can petition the regulatory agency to change the regulation but good luck with that. Its time these agencies get challenged and dismissed.
Your thoughts………
Your thoughts………
Congress has Abdicated their responsibilities so that they can get their families involved in influence peddling/profiteering at the expense of the people...
In my opinion, what needs to happen actually needs to be a change to the way the Judicial branch deals with agency rulemaking. A seminal case in jurisprudence resulted in what is known as Chevron deference and allows the bureaucrats nearly unlimited authority to "interpret" their legislated powers. When confronted with a bureaucracy which oversteps its bounds, the Judicial should instead void the decision and refer the matter to the Legislative to clarify how the matter should be dealt with. Would it be a pain in the rear end? Absolutely! And that is the point. We need to get Congress OUT of the habit of simply creating agencies and BACK into the habit of creating law. The Legislature SHOULD be the ones telling the bureaucrats - and by extension the judiciary when it has to rule on a matter - how to interpret the law since they wrote it in the first place.
One year lifespan - too short.
Eliminate all regulations, hmmm. Better- eliminate gating reviews. Effect compliance through comprehensive, certified (by professional engineers (PEs)) reviews prior to actions.
Eliminate regulatory agencies - enabled as above!
The executive branch should NOT be allowed to legislate. This is oligarchy, and where we have gotten to with 10,000 federal agencies.
Hiding in plain sight seems to work best- what do they call it? the "gray man" attitude. Dont stand out, and do whatever you think is best for your life quietly.
In practice, this is the government managing this, companies work the system to undermine their competitors. I also think it sometimes metastasizes into something more onerous than the litigation it was supposed to forestall.
I thought regulations had to be passed by Congress, but I don't understand the process at all. I would be interested in a book on this topic.