the WHY of governments
Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 3 years, 10 months ago to Government
WILL THE LAW ABIDING COMMUNITY ever be ALLOWED the opportunity to respond to the UNCHECKED VIOLENCE that is allowed to continue by corrupt politicians?
Governments WERE CREATED by We, The People to 'KEEP OUR STREETS SAFE' as well as MAINTAINING THE INFRASTRUCTURE so we could go about OUT DAILY LIVES.
Governments WERE CREATED by We, The People to 'KEEP OUR STREETS SAFE' as well as MAINTAINING THE INFRASTRUCTURE so we could go about OUT DAILY LIVES.
When the Enumerated Powers are involved.
And even then, the STATES SHOULD BE VERY STUDIOUS IN THEIR EXAMINATION OF THE 'enumerated powers, as applied.'
The states could have stopped it in 1913 by refusing the fed and the income tax. Unfortunately, politicians at the state level haven't had any more ethics than at the federal level for some time.
It's hard to resist when the states have already allowed the feds to maintain a permanent standing army, to be used any time states resist the "voluntary union".
Totally Corrupt Government.
The People have to resist in numbers too great to be slaughtered by their neighbors' sons in the military.
The political route has been tried. It failed with the election thefts in 2020.
The courts have been tried. The corrupt judges refuse to hear any challenge to unconstitutional federal powers, so that effort failed, too.
I don't see a peaceful political solution unless the military does their duty to defend the constitution, and that may not be peaceful either.
Otherwise, history simply repeats itself by the strong overpowering the weak. No overarching plan needed.
Be strong. Don't allow government to make you weak.
We'll see if it can be sustained for a long time.
That didn't do so well in Venenzuela.
Just look at the programs it funds- they primately are designed to increase government power and contol, increase govenment funding, and pay the minions who work for it. Anything that flows to the supposedly recipients of the programs that it was supposed to
help" is purely accidental and incidental.
I know those are very brave words coming from a 71-year-old who has little ability to actually DO anything in support of what I am saying. Nevertheless, I do know that waiting for a solidly losing proposition.