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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 10 months ago
    As I posted before this is why the SARS vaccine for cats was removed from the market. The cats suffered from an overwhelming immune response that resulted in death. Time will tell how often this occurs in humans but my guess is that it will NOT be reported as a consequence of the vaccine. I can see the TV advertisements now: "Do you have a loved one that died from a reaction to the Covid vaccine? You may be entitled to compensation. Call 1 - 800 - Sue
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    • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 10 months ago
      That cat vaccine was horrible, all those cats died. But, these are people, or rather statistics in the opinion of Bill Gates, who warned that reducing population worldwide - vaccines are the way to go. Mfg. website warned of deaths among vaccine takers for months after the injection. The nRNA vaccine puts the COVID19 into your cells, but bypasses the immune sys, but get exposed to another strain, and immune system really goes into alert, going after every organ of your body, and all forms ov covid, you die. Simple, but hey, want it, take it, Gates will be thrilled. Immune response to the vaccine kills you, but it would happen only if you were vaccinated, so linguistics as to blame.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 10 months ago
      I expect that there will also be class action lawsuits related to the muzzle mandates and the bronchial issues that arise as a result of rebreathing expelled waste toxins, etc...
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  • Posted by drjmetz 3 years, 10 months ago
    The issue, it seems to me, is that the SAE (Serious Adverse Effects) ratio is well-within the statistical scope of any vaccine. 2 deaths in - how many doses delivered? (I know it's not only 2 deaths, but if 2 deaths are worthy of note in the grand scale of the number of doses, then those who blindly follow this will see it as acceptable).

    The problem is that the vaccines that are available are supposed to be given to a very select subset of the population that fit very specific parameters. Many of the release notes of the vaccines are explicit about who those people are, but the public has been led to believe that these are panaceas for so long, they wouldn't believe that they don't fall into those categories if you held them down and forced them to read it.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 10 months ago
      My dad was a vaccine addict. He took them like Jim Morrison took drugs (some legendary stories on that, and the similarities are amazing). Ultimately, it killed him. The public until recently really wasn't informed of the risks with vaccines. Not at all. That's a problem. And, yes - they do kill and maim some people. The problem remains that the manufacturers are not liable for vaccines in particular. If Pfizer makes a digestion drug and it injures or kills they are liable. Not with vaccines. That's a problem. The public administration of vaccines has been very irresponsible as a result of this moral hazard.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 3 years, 10 months ago
    I will refrain from taking the vaccine. Instead, I will eventually get whatever variant of C19/20/21 is floating around out there (if I have not gotten it already, and suspect that I have), move through it and come out the other side. Fewer moving parts, fewer unknowns.
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    • Posted by term2 3 years, 10 months ago
      we should each make our own decision. We get the benefits and take the risks. No politician with hidden agendas is going to tell me what I should do
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 10 months ago
        THIS is the key point.
        People want to blame the UNVACCINATED children for causing outbreaks in VACCINATED populations...
        While allowing ILLEGALS who have NO documentation of their status, and are more likely carriers run free...

        I am sure I have some Jewish relatives spinning in their graves saying "I thought I had it tough... Imagine being Conservative, and Against Vaccines! In 2020! Whoa!" LMAO

        We should each make our own risk assessment. IF YOU FEEL Vaccines work, TAKE THEM. And when they dont... CALL The Drug Company. Not the unvaccinated parent.

        I still believe the Amish don't have the Autism rates we have, for a reason...
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        • Posted by term2 3 years, 10 months ago
          The drug companies rushed these vaccines to market. They just dont know that much about how well they work on various people.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 10 months ago
            The technology we have is pretty amazing.
            Targeting the Spike Protein is REALLY a smart idea. I love EVERYTHING about the various approaches.

            But to those who criticize HCQ for not having enough evidence... I like about 30 years on my vaccines before I know if I can trust them :-)

            Especially ones based on NEW Tech.

            I am expecting a BIG Round of Cytokine Storm deaths from a mutated spike Protein Variation! [The body thinks it is targeting it, and it cannot, and the virus grows, while the inflammation/response keeps escalating]
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        • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 10 months ago
          You are correct.

          And - get this. In California a child needs a hep vaccine to attend school. But, a child with hep can attend school. Tell me this isn't about the money...
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 10 months ago
    As a parent who had to stop vaccinating his child after SEVERE Adverse Reactions...

    These are the things I wish everyone knew:
    1) Having a VACCINE Does NOT confer 100% protection (many are below 80%)
    2) Having a VACCINE does NOT make you NOT SPREAD the disease
    3) Having a VACCINE Does NOT protect those around you from you being a carrier, it makes you an Asymptomatic Carrier, more often
    4) Someone who REFUSES to be vaccinated is NOT putting YOU at risk. They are taking all of the risks, and more likely to stay home if sick!
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    • Posted by NealS 3 years, 10 months ago
      Then what does it do? Those are some of the reasons I gave my appointment to someone else who wants it. My VA right now is vaccinating vets over age 75. I was scheduled for today but cancelled earlier this week.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 years, 10 months ago
        It profits the Pharma Companies who have ZERO risk, and 100% reward!

        Flu Vaccines... Doctors are NOT ALLOWED to tell their patients if this years FLU Vaccine fails to target this years Flu (LMAO. It's literally a 25% chance of getting the right ones). But they need to sell all of them... We have friends who are Pharmacists, and their BONUS is tied to Flu vaccine sales!

        DO they confer benefit. Yes, certainly. But to a PERCENTAGE of the population.
        Herd Immunity, turns out to be much lower than they thought. Thankfully.

        But keep in mind, they almost NEVER test a vaccine on the TARGET AUDIENCE (let that sink in). They test things on young, healthy males (mostly). Never on Babies, or the Aged! And then RECOMMEND them for Babies and the Aged... But those deaths/damages can be masked and hidden... (I wonder how many ANNUAL Flu deaths are deaths from Complications to the Flu Vaccines... You will NEVER KNOW! I don't think you are allowed to ask!)

        I will NOT take this vaccine. I will not take ANNUAL vaccines. In general, it makes ZERO sense to vaccinate for a virus that is not life DAMAGING in most instances, or at least 20% + of the time.

        Please dose up your Vitamin D3, and take Zinc, and Vitamin C. (Also make sure you are getting a decent mineral supplement, something with Copper. Long term, too much Zinc can lower copper. Low copper is associated with Aneurysms in chickens and probably humans, too). Cheap Insurance.

        Cut out all processed foods and seed oils. And you are 90% bullet proof. Use lard/butter freely. Like our healthy ancestors did. (Not CRISCO, who, BTW, FUNDED our AHA, and General Mills/Kellogg who funds ADA, and most diet research, ugh).
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        • Posted by NealS 3 years, 10 months ago
          Thought so, the things it does do have little to no benefit to me. No shot. It"s probably a better move to just play in the vaccine stock market but that's a different subject, or is it? I'm disgusted with the facts and the conspira-facts on this virus, I hope they find out who colluded and conscripted this agenda of the last full year at a horrendous cost to the whole world.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 10 months ago
    Well, whatever tests they ran on the vaccine, and whatever underlying conditions or groups of people the vaccines were tested on- what can I say, it didnt prevent THESE deaths. How do I know if some DNA type or underlying condition or allergic reaction I MIGHT have if I get the vaccine. Makes me nervous to be sure.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 10 months ago
    I keep saying it...Vaccines are the new religion.

    “He believed in vaccines. I’m sure he would take that vaccine again, and he’d want the public to take it.” She went on the say that she believes more research needs to be done, especially in the cases where people are having severe reactions to the vaccines. Obviously they can range from slight reactions to being fatal. His family STILL believes in the vaccine and that people should continue to take it. His wife said “The message is: Take the vaccine because it is far more greater to die from COVID than to die from a result of a vaccine.“

    This guy really believed. He even believed in something the manufacturers won't claim...that the vaccine has been proven to prevent the spread. It hasn't. It was only shown to reduce symptoms. It could be the PEG that got him. Also, I don't know what, if any, heavy metals are in these. Haven't read the insert.

    Keep will get you through.
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    • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 10 months ago
      I am still trying to wrap my head around the article’s statement, “ His wife said “The message is: Take the vaccine because it is far more greater to die from COVID than to die from a result of a vaccine.“
      . This sounds like the new mantra of the Great Reset. It’s become the new religion for sure. And drink the kool aide, folks, it’s for the better good of the collective...
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 10 months ago
        This is religion 101. I would be more in favor of letting the holy spirit into your body...but an injection of a drug that's still experimental and you don't know what's in it? What a tremendous victory by those like Fauci and Gates. My hat it off to them. I couldn't accomplish something so powerful, even if I wanted to.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 10 months ago
      I can't really get past the statement that it "is far more greater (whatever that means) to die from COVID than to die from a result of a vaccine."

      Why is that, I wonder? Dead is dead. I'll put mine off as long as I reasonably can and not subject myself to this vaccine that might or might not be good for me.

      I DO get that the adverse effects, including death, are really statistically few, if I understand correctly, and if it actually prevented me from contracting the disease, I might consider it. But I am not understanding the benefit at this point over HCQ, Invermectin, Remdesivir, or other treatments. This appears to simply be a TREATMENT which affects the body more profoundly than the tried-and-true treatments already in play. No, thanks!
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    • Posted by rhfinle 3 years, 10 months ago
      Well, if you don't believe in the Vaccine, the Vaccine can't save you!
      I saw my doctor last week for the regular checkup. He couldn't do the rubber glove test, of course, over the phone, much to my relief.
      He asked if I was going to get the vaccine. I reminded him that I got the Wu Flu last October, tested positive, couldn't taste bacon for a month, and got over it and now had natural immunity, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten over it.
      He says natural immunity doesn't last. I asked if vaccine immunity would last any longer and he didn't have an answer.
      I reminded him that despite Fauci.s opinion, humans have been getting immunity by surviving viruses for several hundred thousand years. and said I would take my chances, but not with a new, unproved, and possibly dangerous vaccine. He had no good response.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 10 months ago
    Can you believe the AG's comments in New York. The figures cited by Cuomo were off by maybe 50%. 17,000 dead seniors in nursing homes. This is ridiculous.
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  • Posted by chriwatkins 3 years, 10 months ago
    I think it's pretty obvious where this virus originated and why.Any of you who have read and absorbed Ayn's writings can see it!
    I was kind of fortunate that somehow or another given that I was the son of some relatively liberal parents, I was able at a young age to digest and understand her work as well as 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 not to mention, many others
    My wife owns an independent bookstore somewhere outside of Pittsburgh.
    I'm asking any of you who believe in freedom to donate any extra copies of any conservative literature to the cause.
    I won't disclose any details just yet until I get a commitment from you people to make this happen.
    Once I get some support, I will reveal my email and shipping address.
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