Thi is very important if you wwant to know what is going on

Posted by $ nickursis 4 years, 1 month ago to Government
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This is a very important video to watch that will tell you what went on Wed, and that they knew it was Antifa, and what you didin't know was there was a white hat operation inserted to get intel. Wonder where Nancys laptop went? Several were obtained, and I guess it doesn't matter if legal or not, because they were authorized to do it as part of an investigation. Gen Ian Macherny talks about it, and he does not joke around.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNktWsMfizQ&feature=youtu.be

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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 4 years, 1 month ago
    Solid! Thanks for the shot in the arm. I hope it's true and all of this isn't just going to fade away like so much has in the past.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 1 month ago
      "all of this isn't just going to fade away like so much has in the past."
      Bizarre conspiracy theories always fade away in favor of new ones. This one is esp likely to fade because it argues so many people, most people in gov't and business leadership are not just corrupt but evil, and it self-servingly argues that others are pure and godly. This is pure fantasy. These people will be on to something else.

      You might be right, though, about the government working with business to suppress unpopular speech. It wouldn't be the first time. I support their right to speech categorically.
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      • Posted by $ 4 years, 1 month ago
        For a "Bizzare Conspiracy theory" this one has been damn accurate, considering 2 years ago they predicted the last 3 months events, but then, conspiracy theories are like that. You probably still believe Kennedy dies from one bullet and it was Oswald who did it....
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 4 years, 1 month ago
          For many years I followed the various conspiracy theories, "grassy knoll" descriptions etc. I found it reasonably credible. Then one evening I found myself in Dallas on a trip with nothing I had to do so I hunted up Dealy Plaza.

          It was bizarre to go to a place I knew so well but had never been. The thing that struck me is how small the whole area is. You can stand at the spot where the fatal bullet hit (marked by a brass plaque) and look up at the window, it doesn't look like that far of a shot. Walk a few strides and you come to a sidewalk with steps where there are pictures of people standing. Turn and the "grassy knoll" is RIGHT THERE and fairly small.

          I can't imagine people standing there and not noticing someone a few feet behind them firing a gun.

          What I think happened, that I haven't seen anywhere, is that there is a walkway from the building with a wall behind it that curves and then leads down the steps to the sidewalk. Gun shots fired from the sixth floor would naturally echo from that curve which would focus them back toward the street.

          Bystanders, would react to the sound of the fire and try to locate it, but the echo, coming a fraction of a second later would focus their attention. And they all point in the direction of the curve -- which has the wooden fence next to it and the grassy knoll just a bit farther down.

          If you get a chance, walk the scene. It completely changed my opinion.
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          • Posted by $ 4 years, 1 month ago
            There are some processed videos that show 2 heat type sources in fil at the wall in that area, I think. There is tones of stuff on JFK, but the big one for me has been he was going to sign a memo ending C_A military abilities.
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            • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 4 years, 1 month ago
              But for someone to be right at that point, you have to imagine that people standing 5-10 feet in front of them don't notice them shooting past them.

              When I actually stood in that spot I couldn't imagine standing there and not notice someone in my immediate vicinity shooting.

              I was utterly struck by just how small the whole scene was and the fact there wasn't really any "isolated" places. Other than the book depository, of course.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years, 1 month ago
          "You probably still believe Kennedy dies from one bullet and it was Oswald who did it..."
          Yes... I would say accepts the preponderance of the evidence, but yes.

          I accept the evidence in the same vein as I dismiss other conspiracy theories and accept aliens don't visit Earth, ESP isn't real, GMOs are healthful, organic food isn't necessarily more healthful, global warming is a real threat, the Bermuda Triangle is a fun ghost story, liberty creates wealth, homeopathy has no effect, vaccines save lives, there is no evidence of creator of the universe.

          "considering 2 years ago they predicted the last 3 months events,"
          Is there a link to a 2-year-old video making predictions? I would watch it.
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  • Posted by ycandrea 4 years, 1 month ago
    It does not seem to matter what we witness, find or hear about what the left does. They never seem to have to face the consequences. Just look at what they have gotten away with. So, will any of this new info matter?
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 1 month ago
    We fought brainwashing in local schools before most had Internet.We managed to get information and talk with people in other states to compare what Clinton did not want us to know. We used the keywords to jam up his Eschelon phone tapping. We wrote the WH daily when Obama asked for comments, until he shut it down. We met in churches as groups sharing info. We never gave up. then there was the Tea Party. Hillary warned us she would hut us out of political dissent on Internet, and also ban any question of global warming from the same. Obama gave the Internet to the UN who put Chinese in charge. We knew what was coming, but the mainstream covered it up. They will try to shut down the engine of the US, but through Rand's work, we will fight, boycott, and expose.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 1 month ago
    Thanks a lot, nick! YouTube obviously does not know that link is under their nose.
    May patriots cross the Potomac okay. They still have to defeat the Hessians.
    That retired Ari Force general's opinion of Pence~~WOW!
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  • Posted by NealS 4 years, 1 month ago
    Some of the media is already claiming this has been "debunked". It appears they are "debunking" things today even before they are published. Of course they never tell us who "debunked" what. And that's the "news that many Americans believe. Eventually we all believe because nothing happens. I'm starting to believe there are so many stories out there that have been totally debunked, that are actually so true that no one even believes them anymore.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 1 month ago
      And up until Berlin fell, Goebbels propaganda ministry told Germany they were winning, Japans did the same thing. What happened? Of course this could all be made up, but ask yourself "why"? Why would Trump go through 4 years of torture from these worms, allow an election to be so corrupted it is beyond doubt, allow a SECOND election that controls the Senate to go the same way, only to have no way to fix it? Do you really think that would happen? If there isn't a plan, this has been the longest B grade suspense movie ever made....
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      • Posted by NealS 4 years, 1 month ago
        You keep my hopes up. Maybe he hasn't put Hillary in prison yet because he wants to send them all together, Obama and his crowd included..
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        • Posted by $ 4 years, 1 month ago
          Well, Trump did spend 200 million expanding Gitmo, and it wasn't for 40 arab terrorists, now.... Hang on, we are either correct, or this is the biggest B grade suspense movie in history...
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