This is nothing more than stripping an executive power from the executive and giving it to a committee. We've seen how wide spread the leftists are and who they answer to. Do we really want AOC, Pelosi or Shumer having a voice in who gets nuked? Lastly, dipshit Joe needs several military personnel to work in concert with him to launch. Besides he's so connected to foreign powers who would he nuke? Geriatric joe wouldn't bite the nipple he feeds from?
I don't trust anyone in the Dark Center with anything. Unfortunately I'm in a very small minority and the psychopaths in DC (and their useful idiots) have the nukes.
Lastly, dipshit Joe needs several military personnel to work in concert with him to launch. Besides he's so connected to foreign powers who would he nuke? Geriatric joe wouldn't bite the nipple he feeds from?