Irony in airing of Revenge of the Sith today

Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years ago to Politics
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On TNT today, the Star Wars movies are playing. As I write this, Revenge of the Sith is playing. In that movie, a severely weakened Palpateen is rescued by Anakin Skywalker, and shortly therefter Palpateen becomes the Emperor. Joe Biden was just about politically dead, gets rescued by the "powers that be" in South Carolina, rises from near death, and becomes president of the US. As Palpateen, once the Jedi Lord temporarily relents at Anakin's insistence that Palpateen must be tried before the Senate, Palpateen yells "Power. Ultimate Power" as he kills the Jedi lord. Anakin then wonders what he has done.

The parallels to Joe Buy-dem and the US are so rich that I had to start this discussion.

What Anakin does isn't altruism, but his insistence on a trial by "normal rules" of as hideous a monster as Palpateen results in his having to submit to his new master.

Then Padme, then Anakin's pregnant wife, proclaims in the Senate after Palpateen becomes the first Galactic Emperor, "So this is how liberty dies. To thunderous applause."


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