Next in the Vaccine Controversy
So, now I think it looks like this coronavirus is doing what coronaviruses have always done - morphed so fast you can't develop a vaccine against them that has any effectiveness longer than a month or so. Still, we hear from the government officials, "Gotta get it in all the arms"...etc. By about May or June when it's clear that this vaccine isn't stopping the pandemic (by the way, it wasn't tested to stop the pandemic - success was achieved in trials only if symptoms seemed lessened and the CEO of Pfizer says there no evidence this will stop the spread) you will be blamed if you haven't had the vaccine. This is how the vaccine controversies have gone for the past decade or so. People get sick, especially those who have been vaccinated, then we blame those who weren't vaccinated even if they were 1000 miles away from the vaccinated person who got sick (ala measles in Disneyland - by the way, if you test for titers you'll find that the measles vaccine only really results in antibodies in about 2/3 of those who get it (but, this is per a study of a doctor I know who shall remain nameless)). So, when told this is your fault look the person in the eye and ask, "If the vaccine is safe and effective how is this my fault?" and watch their eyes roll around in their head..."Uh....herd immunity...and Brawndo has electrolytes!". A nurse near me recently got the vaccine (work mandated she get it) and now she's in the hospital with pneumonia. But, don't worry...I'm sure she's just an anti-vaxxer activist.
"Remember that positive predictive value (PPV) varies with disease prevalence when interpreting results from diagnostic tests. PPV is the percent of positive test results that are true positives. As disease prevalence decreases, the percent of test results that are false positives increase.
• For example, a test with 98% specificity would have a PPV of just over 80% in a population with 10% prevalence, meaning 20 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.
• The same test would only have a PPV of approximately 30% in a population with 1% prevalence, meaning 70 out of 100 positive results would be false positives. This means that, in a population with 1% prevalence, only 30% of individuals with positive test results actually have the disease.
•At 0.1% prevalence, the PPV would only be 4%, meaning that 96 out of 100 positive results would be false positives.
• Health care providers should take the local prevalence into consideration when interpreting diagnostic test results.[ ]"
So, there is no 2nd wave or anything. We should never have shut down in the first place.
Unlikely? Agreed, but I just can't get that out of my head...another one is seeing who are the sheep and who are not, is a plausible hypothesis, I think.
PS, I didn't get vaccinated, have a medical exemption. But what's interesting is that the Hospice Hospital that I work in was in the thick of this plandemic and Covid NEVER ENTERED THE BUILDING...and we had, perhaps, a million visitors from many states plus staff and patients over the past year...
1. Bill Gates has long championed lowering the world's population by a large percentage.
2. Bill Gates owns the company with tagged vaccines.
3. Bill Gates owns more than half of the farms in the US.
If you're sufficiently read up on your Bible, this might sound somewhat familiar.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." - Revelation 13:16-17
US. 55 deaths to Jan 2021. Both Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.
Also 96 life-threatening events following COVID-19 vaccinations, as well as 24 permanent disabilities, 225 hospitalizations, and 1,388 emergency room visits.
US. Severe allergic reactions to vaccines running at
11.1 per million vaccinations,
compare 1.3 per million for flu shots.
Israel. 13 cases of facial paralysis after Pfizer vaccination.
Norway. 29 deaths. Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
I'm 78, serious COPD, just started oxygen for when I exert myself or take a walk more than just to the kitchen or bathroom, two places I go to often anyway. This video has helped me decide that I'm not going to take the experimental vaccine, and it goes along more with what I've read away from other than the MSM and their lying publications. I'm going to get more info on Hydroxychloroquine, and at this point I don't care if she is labeled a quack or not. I trust her more than anyone else. And I believe it was Hydroxychloroquine that they gave us for preventing us getting Malaria in Vietnam, probably still given to troops going to foreign places. That's just my two cents worth, period, so there, take it or leave it. (Damn, you might think I just became a democrat, I didn't).
Late news-
US NIH reverses course, and makes Ivermectin an option for Chinavirus treatment.
(Dec 2020)
US AMA approves use of HCQ (Oct 2020) not sure about dates.
In your situation, see if you can get either or both. Take on first sign of symptoms. The side effects and risks of HCQ are very low, as blarman says. Ivermectin, not only does it work, even on late stage, the effective dosage is low (You could take so much you would choke on it before having medical side effects?). Discuss with your doc if reliable but read yourself, do not use ggl.
Have a really good friend who has lupis and he has been on HCQ for seven years. No side effects. In fact when I asked him about the media reports he just laughed and said that's because they're idiots. My doctor has been proscribing this for decades and hasn't had a single patient with negative side effects.
You can still lose the battle, you just have a better chance.
In the end, we need to achieve herd immunity with a large percentage of the population (opinions vary as to how large) vaccinated, or infected and recovered, to cut down on the source. Every sick person becomes a massive viral creation engine until their immune system wins.