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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 3 years, 10 months ago
    The essence of the Biden 2020 victory is revealed in Mr. Blackwell’s piece viz.

    “…In that second election, Ohio was Ground Zero for the nation. If John Kerry had flipped just 60,000 votes, he would have beaten George W. Bush to become president of the United States.”

    Of the approximately 112,000,000 votes cast in 2004, 60,000 or 1.07 % determined the winner. Thusly informed, the Left began a massive, well-funded statistical analysis of all counties in America to determine which ones were needed to control the outcome of a presidential election.

    They then devised a plan (corrupting State Legislatures, unverifiable mail-in ballots counted in the wee hours, same day registration voting, etc.) to ensure victory in future elections.

    Their efforts failed in 2016 because they underestimated the hatred that tens of millions of Americans have for the Socialistic form of government.

    They succeeded in 2020 because they implemented their plan well.

    The Republicans didn’t have a plan. They lost.
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