A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin - 24 Deaths in 2 Weeks

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 8 months ago to News
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"James T. Mulder wrote Saturday at syracuse.com that until December 29 there had been no coronavirus deaths at The Commons. December 29, when deaths of residents with coronavirus began occurring at The Commons, is also, Mulder’s article discloses, seven days days after the nursing home began giving coronavirus vaccinations to residents, with 80 percent of residents so far having been vaccinated.

Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died."

Just a troubling coincidence?

The original report:
SOURCE URL: http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2021/january/10/a-nursing-home-had-zero-coronavirus-deaths-then-it-vaccinates-residents-for-coronavirus-and-the-deaths-begin/

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 8 months ago
    I don't believe in this 'coincidence'. Never heard of that many deaths from the flu vaccine in one single instance and I ran a federally qualified health center for 18 years! N
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  • Posted by handyman 3 years, 8 months ago
    The relevant data here are whether the people who died got the vaccination. Immunity conferred by the vaccine requires a fair amount of time after the second shot - something like 2 to 4 weeks. Blaming the deaths on the vaccine is not supported by any data given in the news article.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 8 months ago
    NO, this was a complication of the corona vaccine in cats for Feline Infectious Peritonitis. The vaccine was on the market for a short period of time then removed. The vaccinated cats experienced severe immune disease reactions (as one of my colleagues stated "the immune systems went bat shit crazy") when exposed to any feline corona virus. Enough cats died that the vaccine was pulled from the market. I suspect the same response will happen in humans.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 8 months ago
    C'mon. Correlation is not causality...unless it is AGW! You are so anti-science! /s/
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    • Posted by term2 3 years, 8 months ago
      true, but who wants to play around with this
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 3 years, 8 months ago
        Not me. I have an immune system, and no concern of a little Covid head cold. I know a bunch of people, older than me who got it, and it was a minor inconvenience. Yes, I know some old, infirm people that died from it as well. But, I'd rather use my immune system than a scurried-together vaccine at this point.

        Some older, immune-compromised people may want the vaccine, and I doubt the vaccine killed/infected these people.
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        • Posted by term2 3 years, 8 months ago
          I am not a conspiracy freak, but it sure seems to me like the stars align a little too close on this one. First of all, we dont see anything about regular flu this year- where did it go? Plus there is financial advantage to label a death "covid related". Then it was used to justify mail in votes and magically the election of biden who didnt campaign at all. It all stinks. Plus, I dont know anyone who got sick with coronavirus for more than a few days. Plus, if you take the infection rate compared with the number of residents in Nevada, its miniscule. Yet we get an economic "reset". Now we have to continue our lockdowns until "herd immunity" from a brand new vaccine which seems to attack people who have allergies, botox, and god knows what else.
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          • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
            The coincidences abound.
            The more time that passes the more convinced I become that Trump may have been right IF he called the entire COVID scare a scam.
            A scam of monumental proportions with the goal of subduing any people who still desire the freedoms protected by the original US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
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            • Posted by term2 3 years, 8 months ago
              I agree. Too many coincidences lead me to believe either a conspiracy or very clever use of whatever is out there to further the leftists agenda for power
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          • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 8 months ago
            Wow. It appears the article has been yanked. Now, I just get a generic subscribe page. Moments ago it was still there and readable. But the title of it in the URL says it all.

            Maine Flu Cases Plummet.

            I wish I had copied and pasted and saved it. But the gist is this. This time last year there were some 900+ cases reported of flu. This year there has been 47.
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          • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 8 months ago
            Here is an article of where the flu went in Maine.


            I found this when looking for an alleged CoVID outbreak in Waldo County "because of a revivalist meeting that ignored masks, distancing, etc." And the revivalists held their meeting because their belief in Trump after a rally convinced them everything was OK. Ah, yes; All his fault.

            This alleged outbreak was discovered by medical practitioners that asked everyone testing positive where they had been recently. i.e.; now we have word of mouth tracing.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 8 months ago
    The great purge, as called for by Gates, and UN Agenda 21? It makes sense when one mfg. website said to "expect" deaths a few weeks to months after the vaccine, but it is not the vaccine. "Expect it" it said. Well, when the micro biologist spoke on the video the other day of nRNA vaccines putting Vovid19 into cells bypassing immune system, and then when the next exposure to another form of covid happens, the immune system sees it and also the whole Covid body and organs, and thus death via immune system. Brilliant, if this were a sci fi movie! Horrible people out there.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 8 months ago
    Reminds me of a joke I made up... It's for my friends and coworkers who get the flu shot then get the flu. "That's why they call it a 'flu shot'!" (I think it's funny). And, I'm not surprised by the story. Not at all.

    When it comes to vaccines a lot of people make a lot of dangerous assumptions. 1- Vaccines are effective. Nope. Even the CEO of Pfizer said there's no proof this vaccine will stop the spread. 2- Vaccines are safe. Nope again. The Feds have handed out billions of dollars in vaccine injury settlements, all without hearings, and with the AVERAGE settlement over $800K (last I read). They're not safe - sorry to have to be the one to tell you that. 3- There's excellent quality control in vaccines. Nope. There's almost none. The phenomenon of "hot lots" would have never occurred if they used as much quality control in making vaccines as they use in making light bulbs. Even the practitioners who administer vaccines can't tell you how much adjuvant is in the shot they're about to give you. They should, because adjuvants are toxic as hell. No...they probably should have applied science and reason at this rest home and kept doing what they were doing, because that seemed to work.
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  • Posted by STEVEDUNN46 3 years, 8 months ago
    the article states people were dying after thanksgiving and before they got the vaccine. what are all the comments about?
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    • Posted by Kittyhawk 3 years, 8 months ago
      That's not what the article says. It says there was a post-Thanksgiving outbreak of the virus in the county, which reached the nursing home supposedly on December 21. It says vaccines began December 22, and the first three deaths were reported on December 29.
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  • Posted by term2 3 years, 8 months ago
    that is very troubling. I havent been interested in the vaccine until they try it on more guinea pigs (people). I had bells palsy awhile ago and wondered if the vaccine is going to give it to me again, since both vaccine trials showed some people getting bells palsy
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