Who Do You Trust?

Posted by Ben_C 4 years ago to Government
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Who Do You Trust?

In my line of work I have contact with police officers from many departments. Today I learned of the massive unemployment insurance fraud in Michigan. The officer discussed with video proof the onslaught of people from the Detroit area with wads of cash in their pockets – documented up to $15,000 from unemployment checks, descending on upscale malls (Somerset in Troy Michigan) to spend their loot and steal what they can. There is at least one gun confiscation weekly. The problem is that when the criminals are arrested for theft or other legitimate reasons NOTHING is done and they are let loose. The officer feels helpless. I doubt Southeast Michigan in unique.
The officer was also involved in assessing voter fraud in the Detroit area – first hand. It is REAL and extensive but ignored by those in power. Our government is beyond corrupt.
On a personal note, I now have had two checks stolen from the mail and rewritten for very large amounts of money. The checks are deposited electronically by phone into a bank account WITHOUT verification of the depositor. At this point it looks like an inside job with a postal employee stealing the mail from drop boxes and selling the enclosed checks to outside people.
Who do you trust? Few if any.

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