Youtube China video appeared and disappeared

Posted by rhfinle 4 years, 2 months ago to Politics
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Yesterday 12/17/2020 at around 9:30 EST I was browsing Youtube and a short video popped up. The title was "This is Very Bad" or similar. The logo in the corner appeared to be U S Armed Forces Network. It showed a Chinese guy speaking to a crowd in a large room. I don't know what he said but it was captioned. The monologue went something like "...We have had operatives in Wall Street and in the US Government for 30 or 40 years. Everything was going well until Trump. But don't worry, Biden will be in, soon..." At this point the audience laughed. I did not get to see the rest of it. I have no way of knowing if the translation was correct. As soon as I watched it, I went back to watch it again and it was gone off of Youtube. I assume it was deleted as "disinformation". Did anyone else happen to see this one and if so, do you have a link to it? Thanks

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  • Posted by 4 years, 2 months ago
    Thanks, Freedomforall and UnapologeticRepublican! yes, that's it. The one I saw was more like a raw feed.l I didn't know Tucker Carlson had done a commentary on it. This one's even better. The Chinese professor clip was the one I was looking for. The one I saw had a logo like AFRTS but I'm not sure if that was actually correct. I had gotten interrupted. In any case, Youtube seems to have taken that one down as soon as I saw it.
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