Under Biden, The Scat's Gonna Hit the Fan
It dawned on me to today. My son likes to show me all the videos of Biden's gaffes. I shared a good one here a while ago. And, I am an active investor in equities, options - and used to run an investment advisory business (going back into the industry again recently). I'm pretty apolitical...certainly philosophical. I've been watching the stock market and related news very carefully since the election and I think the s&^t's going to hit the fan, and fairly soon. Let's keep our eyes open. In the past couple days a graph of the S&P 500 showed the worst week in several months, while a company that's teetering on the brink of bankruptcy gained 400%. Trading was closed to the proles because the campaign contributors wanted it done. The President is talking of almost $2T in stimulus (which would normally pump the market, but it's not). I just think the next four years are going to be a wild ride. I like to keep an open mind on this stuff. But, the markets under Trump were smooth sailing compared to this, even with a once-per-century pandemic. Too bad, really. Looks like I'm going to earn an advanced degree in stock options with this clown running the show...
Of course, if it does crash it will be all Orange Man Bad's fault and it would make perfect sick and twisted convoluted sense.
This is because the once Liar-In-Chief Obamanation (who said he'd need a magic wand to bring back jobs) claimed his policies caused Orange Man Bad to have such wonderful economic success.