It's more than that. It's an effort to identify and destroy opposing voices. This is what happened when Hitler took over in Germany in the 1930's and what happened in Russia in 1918 when Lenin (and then Stalin) took over. It has happened everywhere socialism/communism has come into power. sure seems like it. Once again - I am really amazed how it feels to be "gone Galt" in place and withdrawn from the system. I only see the news as odd, manipulative entertainment to sell pharmaceutical ad time. Haven't voted for a long time. The only thing I watch on tv is golf and Mountain Monsters (which is a total campy waste of time!). Got a place out of my leftist state to escape to. If asked where I stand politically I'd have to state, "I just want to be left alone." Nowadays I'm really a wingnut compared to most people. Makes me chuckle. I refused to be pigeon holed. The only reason to politically pigeon hole somebody is to make it easier to put a target on their back...
Trump was never a threat to doing what the cabal wanted. He instituted the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act on March 13th with an executive order and provided billions of dollars to states that followed through with enforcement. The governors happily employed the authorized tactics. I do think they are concerned that his 'followers' would demand more resistance to the plan. This required the fixing of an election and imposing stricter rules. Unfortunately even those who consider themselves 'conservative' will still follow rules until their slave overlords give them permission to behave freely. Waiting for permission that will never arrive.
Yes, they seem unable to realize there are millions of individual reasonable people that want to be left alone. None of whom are extremists of any kind.
"Divide and conquer" is a favorite strategy of those in power. It keeps the common people focused on each other as the supposed source of our problems, instead of holding those in power responsible. WhatsHerFace is very funny, and speaks a lot of truth on this subject (and many others):
Didn't Rand somewhere write something like "it was divide and conquer but now it is unite and rule?" Seems like the dividing is happening with the Right with the coming strict ruling and the uniting and ruling is completed with the Left.
Well, we can pretty much put media people in a paper bag marked "liberal parrots" who only use the same phrases that are passed out to them.This is fascism, grouping people into ethnic or political groups, ignoring the individual. It is also a tactic used by Marxist Saul Alinsky.
What horrifies me that the Dead Duck Media along with some far left politicians are calling for Re-Education Camps (Concentration Camps) for 75 million American citizens. It seems like they are throwing out the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It seems like the Republicans in Congress no longer represent their constituency. None of them are going to stand out and say- enough is enough!
Seems like the dividing is happening with the Right with the coming strict ruling and the uniting and ruling is completed with the Left.