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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
    Until there is a complete audit of the 2020 election I will not obey any order, request, or suggestion of the Buy-dem, Kama-liar regime.
    There is ample evidence that there were illegal actions taken in counting the votes to justify an independent, full audit with signature verification and recount of ONLY legally cast votes.
    If Trump did not win after a complete, independent audit and recount, then and ONLY then should any voter obey anything from a Buy-dem regime in Washington DC.
    If Buy-dem does legally take control after such an audit, every state government should carefully weigh if they will remain in a union run by socialists whose primary goal is centralized power and the destruction of America, free markets, and individual liberty.
    As for me, give me liberty and the socialist looting traitors death.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 4 years ago
    As posted on TSS this day

    What assets do we have?

    First and foremost, the children. To begin movement toward re-establishing Reason as the guiding principle in education will require the dismantling of the present system starting with the termination of the Department of Education. The replacement would have to include these principles: All schools privately owned and run for profit; All schools to be non-unionized; All schools to be free from regulations and forced funding from people in government, elected or hired.

    In the race between Individualism and Collectivism, the latter is winning. The lights of the minds being snuffed out in Hong Kong, Washington D.C., and on the Internet are signposts on the way to a global prison system of re-education.

    What would be a permanent winning strategy?

    The acceptance and implementation of an idea depends solely on the number of people who can be persuaded as to the correctness, necessity, and righteousness of the idea. The force of a universally accepted idea is irresistible. A way must be found to go over, around, under, or through the monopolies in place on the internet and in education. Unfortunately, those in power who have chosen to ignore the Constitution to death, have also entrenched their positions on the top of the hill so solidly as to make the toppling of them near impossible.

    What should be its cardinal goals?

    Individual Rights including the absolute right to the ownership, use, and disposal of property that the individual has earned or inherited. This will require repealing the 16th (income tax) Amendment and local real estate taxes.

    The re-establishment of a Republic. This will require repealing the 17th (direct popular election of Senators) Amendment. The Constitution, Article 1 Section 3, established the Senate as representatives of the States. The intent was for them to act as a counter balance, when necessary, to the tendency of the people in the Executive branch to accrue unwarranted power to themselves and, thereby, forestall a return to Monarchy, or, dictatorship by democracy.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 4 years ago
      Step one stop going in debt sending kids to leftists indoctrination campuses. It’s OK to make them work for it. In fact it’s better if they just live minimally. Then they don’t need a good paying job to pay down all the debt people accumulate.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 4 years ago
        “Step one stop going in debt sending kids to leftists indoctrination campuses.”

        What a great idea: Boycott The Bastards!!! On another WDonway post, I suggested the need for someone to organize and publish tactics such as the one you propose for those in the Objectivist, Individual Rights, limited government, and laissez-vous faire capitalism communities to organize, rally around, and implement to resist and defeat the collectivists.

        Perhaps we can persuade the moderators of the Gulch to add a category – Rules For Objectivist Radicals – for members to suggest more tactics and then publish them under the authorship of Galt’s Gulch.
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        • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 4 years ago
          I would very much like this a guide post for practical objectivism. Rand’s Gulch was an ideal. Under NORMAL circumstances we can’t try to duplicate it. But, we can adhere to the ideas. My kids are out of college now. But, had I known about the indoctrination taking place I wouldn’t have helped them with one red cent. Stop taking “parent loans”. Stop paying for college period.
          Minimalism and not going into debt.
          Self Reliance. If the grid goes down I can meet my electrical needs for 3 weeks. That’s a lot of piece of mind. It means I don’t get rattled at every little news story. Helps you think objectively. There is already a forum titled “Going Galt” it’s just not really being used for that.

          And regarding “re-education” my handler and I are going to have some epic struggle sessions. He better pack a lunch. I come from a long line of stubborn Scandinavians and Germans. I’m actually terribly polite. And try not to offend. But when I dig my heels in things can escalate quickly.
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          • -1
            Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years ago
            I took the Gulch to be a result of what happens when people's rights are not respected, not really an ideal. But I loved the idea of this secret place where people's rights were respected. I thought the hobo's description of the what happened at the motor plant was a microcosm for what was happening everywhere, except in hideouts like the Gulch. I thought everyone in the story, including the protagonists and millions of people like the hobo, would be much more prosperous if society were more Gulch-like.
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  • -1
    Posted by CircuitGuy 4 years ago
    The notion of "cleansing" the world of President Trump's nastiness and antics is flawed. It's always been with us. It's more easy to see now because angry and paranoid people can get published easily. There were certainly there 20 years ago. We could read about it in the tabloids, but now the paranoid stuff is on the same screen as the New York Times.

    I can't predict the future, but I suspect liberty and prosperity will continue to increase despite the mean-spirited people of the world. They can get published, but they still can't get stuff done. The world is run by people who show up and work.

    The danger will come if they catch on the grift and really join forces with everyone in the world who feels aggrieved and want to see government force used to hurt someone else. If someone is smart enough to put a friendly face on statism that speaks to all of them, we're in big trouble. Right now they're mostly directly their anger at one another, but I can guarantee sharp politicians are taking note and looking for an opening.
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