Republicans are ready to move on from Trump

Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years ago to Politics
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Loos like the mainstream RINOs are done with Trump. With a vote like this, anything relative to the 12th seems unlikely.

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  • Posted by $ nickursis 4 years ago
    McConnel pulled a McStain. He is done, he waited until after he got re-elected, which will be voided when they cast the election in doubt. Now, what about this: EO218 allows the President to declare the election null and void due to foriegn interferance. So, he then calls for a new Presidential election, but, by the way, we have to vote for a new Congress and Senate, since the elections were no good. BUT, now the RINOs crawled out of the woodwork, and Trump will advertise for each states candidates he trusts, and then the Supreme Court will be reconstituted with a significant chain on its neck that it cannot rewrite, or interpret laws other than are they constitutional or not. No legislating from the bench. I would not be surprised to see data released questioning the veracity of elections in the "demonrat" states, especially with states like Oregon where mail in balloting has made it completely impossible to know if it is rigged or not, you drop them off, or mail it, and then BINGO: Instant results, including re-electing a demonrat Gov who is being indicted and resigns to hand it over to his successor, so then she can get re-elected. Yet the numbers released do not seem to show a landslide for demonrats at all. Jan 6 will tell all.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years ago
      Unfortunately for Trump, he is not good at exercising power. He didn't know how in the beginning, began to understand, was undermined the whole election, and now he is flailing. His party will abandon him. Without support, the EO has no teeth.

      No one is going to let him call for another election. He is going to be yelling on a corner by himself, jousting windmills, etc., but he will be politically irrelevant. The problem the Republicans will have is finding another focal point like Trump for 2024.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 4 years ago
        Ah, Thor, you are assuming all these articles about Trump and his inner circle are real? Have you noticed some of the moves made in the last couple months, like at DOD? What has he done? He has built an narrative that has encouraged every Rino, deep state stooge and blackmailed/paid person, to roll out in the open, as they believe he has no teeth. On the surface, it looks that way. Go back and look at the War of 1812, it is very telling. Jefferson had basically built a defenseless nation with little seapower, and almost bankrupted the country twice, yet, a few patriots, who also were looking for prize money, went out and defended the country. A lot of them did not get paid for years. Same thing in the Revolutionary War. Trump has only pushed an America first, break from Chinas grip policy, and the monster is, and has been after him from before he even took office. Have you heard much from Mad Maxine lately? How about Gina Haspell? In fact, how about Shift Schiff? Hmmmm...Don't believe it is just Trump here.
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  • Posted by $ 4 years ago
    Still like to see Trump set up a transition with Pence, resign, make Pence POTUS, and have Pence appoint someone like Condoleza Rice as VP, and have the first woman VP be a Republican.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years ago
      I wouldn't obey CR any more than I'd obey Buy-dem. Zero production in lifetime. Deep state employee.
      I do not want to have a bought person regardless of their gender or skin color.
      I want a productive person with NO TIES TO GOVERNMENT WHATSOEVER.
      Government experience is failure, statist brainwashing, and likely corruption.
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