It's all academic!
Posted by tkstone 10 years, 6 months ago to Government
My wife and I were discussing the failed socialist experiment called Biosphere Two, and it made me wonder if maybe we could establish Galt's Gulch as an academic experiment tell the goverent to leave us alone for a while and we will publish the results in ten years. Treat us like a Native American reservation and we will let you know how it works out. Just a thought.
It would be a difficult sell. I would be thrilled to see even one such zone established.
We're all just livestock. We might be allowed to have the illusion of freedom as long as we kept the yield up for the farmer...
Our government long ago created reservations to control American Indians. Not to let them experiment with freedom.
I'm not saying such a dream of for real Galt Gulches is an impossibly.
Maybe later. The conniving government we have now only pretends to love freedom.