Judge Blocks, Then Unblocks Georgia From Wiping or Resetting Election Machines - Forensic Evidence of Election Cheating To Be Destroyed - “Atlanta already did it.”

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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"“Plaintiffs’ request fails because the voting equipment that they seek to impound is in the possession of county election officials. Any injunction the Court issues would extend only to Defendants and those within their control, and Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that county election officials are within Defendants’ control. Defendants cannot serve as a proxy for local election officials against whom the relief should be sought,” the judge wrote.

The change of course by the judge drew a flabbergasted response from Lin Wood, an attorney associated with the Trump campaign.

“What??? Judge reversed order based on Defendants’ claim that GA Counties control voting machines,” Wood wrote on Twitter, adding that the machines are owned by the state and that the Georgia secretary of state administers elections.

“Why are GA officials determined to wipe these machines clean [by] resetting them?”

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit on Sunday filed an emergency motion which included an affidavit featuring a Nov. 25 message from an election official stating that the ballot-counting machines would be reset to zero on Monday, Nov. 30, before performing a recount.

“The process will begin with an L & A – resetting the machine to ‘zero’ to begin the recount,” the text of the message stated before describing the specifics of the recount process.

The affidavit was written by a GOP poll worker who says he or she addressed concerns about wiping the machines to the election manager.

“Because the plan on Monday is to wipe the voting machines clean, and start from 0 so that we can recount using those machines, I’m concerned by what I am reading online,” the poll worker wrote, according to the affidavit. “I am seeing lots of notices from lawyers about possibly impounding the machines. Lawyers are now saying that the machines should be confiscated immediately before this happens to protect forensic data. They are saying those machines need to be impounded ASAP. Yikes. Maybe I’m being overly paranoid but let’s be sure this is what we’re supposed to be doing.”

The supervisor responded, “It’s what we are supposed to do. It will take a court order to stop this process—so I guess we need to keep watching the news. If we get a court order to stop, we will see it in our SOS information. The issue is, the Atlanta area has already started,” the elections manager wrote.

When the poll worker asked if the reset will wipe the forensic info from the machines, the manager said that “Atlanta already did it.”

The lawsuit in question is being litigated by Sidney Powell, an attorney who defended former national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. President Donald Trump pardoned Flynn earlier this week. The Trump campaign has said that Powell is not part of its legal team.

Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer wrote on Twitter after the judge issued the order that election officials in Fulton County were updating the software on voting systems earlier the same day."
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/judge-blocks-then-unblocks-georgia-from-wiping-or-resetting-election-machines_3597691.html

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  • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 3 months ago
    Powell is not part of Trumps Gulliani team , but as a military lawyer she is on the executive branches team. She can do more acting independently and it is better optics. This will be very dramatic as the treasonous Judges and politicians expose themselves as the enemy (domestic) . Ultimately the POTUS will , and is going to use the military. It will require both special forces to round up the scumbags and for quelling the riots. The revolution is here. Dark to Light.
    The rats will turn on each other once they realize death is knocking on their door.
    See my post on Gen Flynn and General mcInerney.
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  • Posted by $ Meerkat24 4 years, 3 months ago
    Wow! Are these the same Democraps that for the last four years have insisted on guilty until proven innocent? They don't feel the need to prove their innocence? Turning the law upside down only goes one way? Now they want to quickly destroy the evidence that would exonerate them if they were indeed innocent? Well, wait, I guess it isn't much different than deleting text messages and smashing phones to destroy evidence, and we already have a precedent saying that is not something that gets prosecuted if you belong to the correct party. Sickening.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 3 months ago
      The power mad Marxist end justifies any and all evil means.
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      • Posted by FelixORiley 4 years, 3 months ago
        I really do not think that Biden is a Marxist per se. Biden is currently near the top of the political aristocracy. The people that engineered his “so-called” victory are well above political philosophies other than just manipulating them for their own power. Andrew Carnegie, JD Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt were all cheerleaders for Karl Marx only they had their own standing to protect. The Aristocracy of Pull used “Marxist” dogma to placate and position the common laborer.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 3 months ago
          Me dino wasn't thinking of the criminal Quid Pro Quo Joe per se. Giving you a point for everything else you wrote. :-) Nevertheless, I'll argue a lot of those curs dream of living the high on the hog life of Animal Farm pig elites.
          To me Buyden is a senile Trojan Horse for his Marxist puppeteers of which "the Squad" is but a part of many more enemies foreign and domestic.
          "Foreign" includes Buyden's commie Chinese friends, who gave crackhead Hunter lots and lots of money.
          Hey, someone left a comment somewhere other than The Gulch today that I scribbled down~~
          "Roses are red,
          Harris ain't black,
          Joe's a liar,
          And Hunter's on crack."
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          • Posted by $ Meerkat24 4 years, 3 months ago
            I'd be willing to put a small wager that Joe doesn't even realize there was cheating, that he's being shielded from any reports of evidence, and if this gets overturned, he'll be sad because he thought he really won. (I wish there was a place to upload the graphic I made with his shocked face saying, Hold on a minute! I really thought I won. C'mon man! December 2020. I'll have to go back and re-read forum rules to see if I can upload it to my own server and post a link.)
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 3 months ago
              I think you're right! Quid Pro Quo Joe IS a criminal, but I won't bet against the distinct possibility that senile old fool is being shielded from the truth like you say.
              He certainly appears to be believing he's actually a president-elect while he quite happily selects his cabinet members members and so forth
              Me dino can just see him saying "C'mon, man!" when he has to be repeatedly told that Trump has four more years in the White House.
              May that for really real be the outcome!
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  • Posted by term2 4 years, 3 months ago
    Its time for the trump supporters to just NOT ACCEPT the current results of the election for president. Although Biden might take over, WE dont have to consider him our president or abide by his presidential decrees. Its time for phase 1 of the civil revolution to happen.
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