Will the Supreme Court’s Conservatives Extinct Themselves? by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Posted by straightlinelogic 4 years, 1 month ago to Government
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Suppose the court either refuses to take the case or it rules against Texas. Suppose also that the Democrats win the two contested Georgia Senate races January 5. With the apparent cheating demonstrated in the presidential election and Georgia’s RINO governor and secretary of state, nobody should assume the runoffs will be fair or that challenges to an unfair election will have any chance of success.

Biden would be president and Democrats would control the House of Representatives and the Senate (it would be 50-50, but vice president Harris would break ties). They could and probably would carry out their plans to expand the Supreme Court and “pack” it with a unstoppable liberal majority. In either refusing to hear the Texas suit or accepting the suit but ruling against Texas, the Supreme Court’s five conservative justices will have contributed to their own demises as consequential jurists—collective judicial suicide.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2020/12/11/will-the-supreme-courts-conservatives-extinct-themselves-by-robert-gore/

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