Some Random Thoughts

Posted by $ johnrobert2 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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I was listening, albeit for a short while, to Col. Allen West (subbing for Mark Davis) in our local radio market. He made two remarks which resonated with thoughts I had had.
Firstly, as a Christian and a Mason, I find the chaos and anarchy engendered toward all things which teach order and reason, to be highly disturbing and wondered if these two facets of American decency were to come under the pressure of persecution. Col. West was of the opinion that the Cancel Culture was the precursor of this and we should prepare ourselves to that end.
Second, in a previous post here, I posited that ANTIFA was the modern equivalent of Hitler's SA (Sturm Ableitung) or Brown Shirt thugs of prewar Germany. Col. West echoed that sentiment in today's broadcast. Hitler 'sponsored' the SA, Soros 'sponsors' ANTIFA.

There are too many parallels, in both arguments, which can be drawn to be comfortable.

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