Not sure, off the top of my head, but they are not usually publicized unless they are high profile or have some notoriety attached. The cited examples are of top-ranking officers who, apparently, are not totally on board with Obama's policies or practices. Best way to find out, I guess, is to research the retirements sections of the Army Times, Air Force Times, Navy Times (Navy Times will have USMC as they are part of the Navy).
It looks like the only remaining branch of the federal government with honor is being emasculated. Did you see the hats Obama wants the Marines to wear now?
Don't be deceived folks. As you know the Elites want a one world government; therefore, you have to have a one world military to enforce the government's legislative actions. Purging US generals who disagree with this idea is only natural. Again, don't be deceived. The Bible talks all about this happening, so it may be good to pick it up.
Sadly, this doesn't surprise me. Surely, the general officers recognize what's going on thanks to the military history courses they take at War College~tyrants ALWAYS fire the ones who won't go with their little cooked up agenda.
I hope the first thing that the next President does (who won’t be a democrat) is reinstate Gen. McCrystal! Bringing all these guys back should be on the top of the to-do list.