Weapons Of Mass Deception - How politicians & marketers are hacking our psychological vulnerabilities

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 2 months ago to Philosophy
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"A widely-held mental shortcut is that “expensive = good”. And our daily experience generally reinforces this belief.

A new Tesla costs more than a used AMC Gremlin. A suite at the Ritz-Carlton costs more than a Motel 6 bunkroom. Nicer, higher-quality goods and services typically come at a higher price.

Cialdini cites an unintentional experiment where a jeweler became frustrated trying to move some of her excess turquoise inventory during the height of tourist season. She had tried merchandizing it prominently in the highest-trafficked place in the store and incentivizing her staff to push the product. But nothing was working.

In defeat, as she was heading out for a brief business trip, she left a note to her store manager instructing that the price be dropped by half.

Upon returning a few days later, she was pleasantly shocked to learn that all of the turquoise had been sold.

But even more shocking was the discovery that her instructions had been mistakenly misinterpreted. Instead of cutting the price of the turquoise in half, her store manager had doubled it.

The customers, seeing a notably higher price for the jewelry, simply concluded that it must be more valuable. And therefore more desirable. Enough to influence them to pull out their wallets and buy it.

While unintentional in this example, Cialdini rattles off numerous instances where this “expensive = good” click, whirr response (and endless variations on it) are explicitly used by retailers to dupe us into making purchases we otherwise wouldn’t under normal circumstances.

The Power Of ‘Because’
When someone requests a favor of us, we’re much more likely to comply if they provide a reason why they’re asking.

Interestingly, it’s not the validity of the reason that matters. Only the simple fact that it’s offered does.

We’re pretty much willing to rationalize ANY reason to explain our willingness to comply.

Cialdini refers to a study that illustrates this nicely using a copy machine.

When there’s a line at the machine, someone cutting to the front and asking “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the copier because I’m in a rush?” experiences a 94% success rate. Almost everyone will allow them to cut ahead.

However, when “because I’m in a rush” is dropped from the excuse, the success rate drops to only 60%. Without an offered reason, fewer people are willing to give up their priority in line.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Pretty much ANY reason will suffice, no matter how weak or irrelevant.

When the script is changed to “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the copier because I have to make some copies?”, the success rate jumps back up to 93%.

It turns out that the word “because…” sets off a powerful click, whirr fixed-action response for humans. It’s a mental shortcut that tells us “I should do what this person asks because they have a good reason”.

Wonder why food retailers tell us to buy their product “because it’s fortified with essential vitamins and minerals”? Or why cosmetics giant L’Oreal’s brand slogan is “Because you’re worth it”? Or why politicians tell us embrace a new policy of theirs “because it’s the right thing to do”?

They’re intentionally pressing the click, whirr button of their target audience in attempt to get as many people as they can to act in the way they want them to.

How many times each and every day is your button being pressed by external actors? How many times are they successful in influencing your thoughts or behavior?

And how sure are you of your answer? By definition we’re usually unconscious of these fixed-action patterns, rationalizing our behavior after the fact.

Think Twice When Encouraged To “Act Now”
In today’s society — where corporate cartels control nearly every business sector, where 90% of media outlets are owned by six companies, where powerful special interests fund and control our political parties, where Big Data and social media collect & commercialize our personal information — we are subject to the highest degree of the most-sophisticated psychological manipulation in the history of any species.

To avoid becoming unwitting victims, it’s essential that we first understand the hacks being used against us so that we can recognize them and take steps de-fuse their power over us.

This won’t be easy.

Today’s manipulation has been honed over decades and leverages the latest science and technology. It’s specifically designed to appeal to our emotions, accentuate our fears and inflame our desires. It’s often wrapped in a false morality intended to make us believe resisting it is unethical.

Take the Great Reset which the world powers (World Economic Forum, IMF, etc) are advocating so forcefully for right now. It recommends a very specific set of actions for countries to start imposing onto their citizens, presented under the noble cause of securing a sustainable future for the planet.

How much of what the Great Reset recommends is actually necessary and in our best interest? And how much serves the selfish interests of those powers promoting it?

We can’t tackle these important questions if we simply allow our click, whirr buttons to force us to robotically comply when pressed.

We need to recognize and resist the mental manipulation. And only then evaluate the situation and decide our course of action."
SOURCE URL: https://www.peakprosperity.com/weapons-of-mass-deception/

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 2 months ago
    I guess I am naturally skeptical. Or maybe I was so trained in philosophy, that I usually set about using seductive logic. In any case, anyone selling me fear, or quick response, get kicked to the curb. I will reasearch, and then decide, like this stupid ask mandate! Howerver, in this era of computers which give you lots of chances for research, few people go beyond accepting the talking points of others, usually morons or the fox in the hen house. Even in college, when a psychology professor attempted to hyptonize the class, two of us did not fall for it. He asked if I did not trust him, and I said I did nto know him well enough to trust him. We were great friends, but this was my mind, already filled with Sartre, Rand and more. That is how we were trained to think for ourselves back in the day.
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  • Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 2 months ago
    Seriously though - here's the marketing research from our very own NIH, looking for manipulative messaging to support Covid vaccination:


    Persuasive Messages for COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake
    - Personal freedom
    - Economic freedom
    - Self-interest
    - Community interest
    - Economic benefit
    - Guilt
    - Embarrassment
    - Anger
    - Trust in science
    - Not bravery
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 2 months ago
    The new propagandized marketing in regardized to the Covid vaccine is a Vaccine ID Card so you could board an airplane or cruise ship. I can see it now for those who don't receive the vaccine will end up becoming pariahs, like lepers of Medieval times.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 4 years, 2 months ago
    Yes... in Washington State, fitness centers closed again due to mandate. My local fitness center exercised a loop hole and reorganized as a Wellness Center. New / temporary management. However -- signage is everywhere. Masks (Muzzles) are absolutely required. The posters show images of healthy people with the muzzle. Are they smiling? Who knows. But they are complying. Compliance is the order of the day. And the mandates are fully arbitrary -- six feet, one meter, no distance -- social distancing is social engineering.

    I finally sent a letter to the management insisting that my membership be terminated and I no longer will be complying. A home fitness program is being created and will do the trick.

    For me, that muzzle is the sign of weakness, compliance, conceit, ignorance and virtue-signaling. I am resisting. If it comes down to "must wear muzzle while outdoors in public spaces" then I will be first in line to be peacefully arrested. I will not be alone.
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  • Posted by Crazyhermitdogwoman 4 years, 2 months ago
    I am delighted to FINALLY see marketing techniques caught into the mix used by the Left to subvert everything, EVERYTHING! It happened in late 1980's. A dog food bag having less weight, but cost the same. I scratched my head. Late 1980's brought the Greed is Good age to Wall Street, then we elected the Democrat candidate which had said, "Morals don't matter." It was a nose-dive from there. Marketing techniques, 25-principal ones, run virtually every area of our lives, that and institutionalized parameter's for our lives. It is the biggest sham ever in the history of the world.
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