Whistleblower Claims CDC Hid Data Linking Vaccines To Autism : Personal Liberty
I wish I had known, or at least suspected, that there was an alleged link between vaccinations and austism when our son was born. I do not believe it is the vaccinations themselves that can lead to austism, but rather the thimerosol (mercury) that is used as a preservative in vaccinations, especially multiple vaccinations in one shot. The government, the pharmacuetical industry, and the Wall Street Journal have consistently maintained that there is no link. However, I know that my son was a bright, engaged infant, and his whole personality changed after the standard California prescribed regimen of vaccinations. We received a diagnosis of autism when he was three.
Autism rates have skyrocketed as the number of required vaccinations have increased. Anybody who thinks its because of better diagnosis and more awareness, or because parents want government aid for their children, has not spent much time around autistic kids. After 17 years with an autistic child, I can tell other autistic children within a minute or two of meeting them, and also autistic adults who might never have been diagnosed. Naturally with our autistic son we met many other parents and their autistic children. Some of their children became "autistic" immediately after a round of a vaccinations. With multiple vaccinations, the mercury level is far in excess of what the government considers no risk. The symptoms of autism are virtually identical to the symptoms of mercury poisoning.
There have been studies supposedly "proving" that there is no link, but some of the studies do not even control for mercury in the vaccinations, and many are conducted under the auspices of either pharmaceutical companies or the government, neither of whom I trust. My son has made amazing strides; he will graduate from high school this year, he has a job at a hamburger stand, and he is very smart, which puts him in the Aspergers camp. However, he admits that he is socially awkward, and he has had some real struggles making friends and getting along with other kids. We will probably never get an official admission that autism has something to do with mercury and vaccinations, but if you or anyone you know has a newborn infant, parents can request thimerosol free vaccinations, and can space out vaccinations and have them administered one at a time. As we Gulchers know in many other contexts, relying on the government to protect our interests is the definition of foolishness.
Autism rates have skyrocketed as the number of required vaccinations have increased. Anybody who thinks its because of better diagnosis and more awareness, or because parents want government aid for their children, has not spent much time around autistic kids. After 17 years with an autistic child, I can tell other autistic children within a minute or two of meeting them, and also autistic adults who might never have been diagnosed. Naturally with our autistic son we met many other parents and their autistic children. Some of their children became "autistic" immediately after a round of a vaccinations. With multiple vaccinations, the mercury level is far in excess of what the government considers no risk. The symptoms of autism are virtually identical to the symptoms of mercury poisoning.
There have been studies supposedly "proving" that there is no link, but some of the studies do not even control for mercury in the vaccinations, and many are conducted under the auspices of either pharmaceutical companies or the government, neither of whom I trust. My son has made amazing strides; he will graduate from high school this year, he has a job at a hamburger stand, and he is very smart, which puts him in the Aspergers camp. However, he admits that he is socially awkward, and he has had some real struggles making friends and getting along with other kids. We will probably never get an official admission that autism has something to do with mercury and vaccinations, but if you or anyone you know has a newborn infant, parents can request thimerosol free vaccinations, and can space out vaccinations and have them administered one at a time. As we Gulchers know in many other contexts, relying on the government to protect our interests is the definition of foolishness.
This is a subset of the problem of having the gov't run any service. What would otherwise be personal choice becomes a public debate. My kids went to a play group at a school where many parents didn't vaccinate their kids on schedule. We chose not to use that school. Vaccines aren't 100% effective and depend on having a critical mass of people vaccinated. We didn't have to get in a debate with them. We just picked a different school where kids were mostly vaccinated. If you're committed to having the gov't provide the service, though, it becomes a struggle. The same thing may be happening with healthcare. If gov't ran grocery stores we'd have to debate organic food and fair trade coffee. There are countless little decisions we make without a second thought that would be huge political debates if the gov't were involved.
Vaccines have saved countless lives. That said, they are now given massive numbers of vaccines in rapid fire order at an age when a child's entire system is developing. It would not be ethical to perform a series of studies involving infants, but surely larger-scale statistical data could be maintained with ease.
I do not believe vaccines to be evil. But I do question the number given over a short term to a small child. In my day (oh, how I feel weird using that phrase), there were four childhood vaccinations: measles, smallpox, diphtheria/tetanus, and polio. In my present home state, at last count there are 21.
Remember that the purpose of a vaccine is to promote an immune response so that the body inoculates itself against a specific (usually) virus. I am unaware of any objective science on repeated intense stimulation of the immune system (again, in a developing child) on general health.
Many people blame mercury. I have been unable to find anything solid to support that. Only a few vaccines still contain Thimerisol as a preservative. But making the body believe it is "sick" 21 times with at least 21 different illnesses? To my knowledge, that is essentially an ongoing "experiment". Surely it is worth examining with a non-political agenda.
Now if an autoimmune connection to autism could be found, it would be a MAJOR contribution to modern medicine and some solid science which might shed light on this issue--and perhaps many others.
I have a flu shot every year, sometimes a pneumonia shot, and got the shingles vaccine after an outbreak which could have cost me one of my eye. It is purely my decision and I regard the benefit vs. any risk as more than worth accepting.
I believe the HPV vaccine is more than worth considering, as if in wide use, it would prevent roughly 27,000 cervical cancer cases each year. Since HPV is transmitted sexually, there is no need to administer it during infancy. But I do believe everyone at the onset of puberty (yes, including men, who are generally asymptomatic but can transmit it) should be offered the vaccine. I say again, offered, not required to have it.
with Aspergers kids;; she is very successful at
bringing them forward in hand-eye coordination and
social interaction, creative expression and self-
confidence. it is wonderful to see!!! -- j
as in "trips and ..." to determine causes;;; how are
falls diseases, I wonder. government intrudes into
everything....... -- j
I have long been wary of vaccines, since my nephew suddenly had full blown MS after being forced to take the shots unapproved by the FDA during the Gulf War. About the same time, a friend of ours dutifully took her flu shot and, within hours, was in a hospital, completely paralyzed. She remained in the hospital for weeks, went through endless physical therapy, and continues to be tied to medication since. A local mortician spoke before a civic group recently, and warned people in attendance of the dangers of vaccines, which he said were filled with dangerous chemicals.
Being allergic to eggs, I shudder every time they suggest "mandatory" vaccines, as the allergic reaction would be worse than most diseases for me.
The government is in bed with big drug companies, doctors are woefully uninformed about the vaccines, and we are the herd animals they all want to control..
This goes to whether any infectious disease is enough of a hazard to order people to stimulate their immune systems in this artificial way.
Besides: ever since I learned the phrase "herd immunity," I got my hackles up. "Herd immunity" means "the reason you don't catch it is that you're surrounded by individual immunes, and the carrier can't get to you." But what a term. We are not cattle!
One of the good parts is that special needs children/adults are exceptionally wonderful people, they love and are loved and cherished perhaps even a little more than normal children. They truly are Special.
My god, you'd think with all that we'd all be vegatative and spastic...
Then again, we still have the lead pots, dippers, and moulds for casting our own bullets. That smell always brings back memories...
I had heard they removed mercury from all vaccines a few years ago, even though there's no evidence the earlier vaccines were harmful. I'm not sure if that is true.
I agree that caution is always good with transition metals.
BTW, I'm a little aspie, but not more so than the average electronics guy. I remember an EE professor in the mid 90s, before I had heard of autism outside of Rainman, saying that people want to you look them in the eye but then if you do it too much they don't like it. The solution, he said, is too look at their mouth, and that satisfies the society requirement for eye contact. This was just general advice he was giving. In retrospect, I think he and most of the class were aspies.
I know for some people it's not a personality trait but a serious issue. I'm glad you're son's doing better.
The mercurochrome mom slathered on my cuts and the aluminum pans I fried my bacon and eggs in each morning, as well as the rosin and lead vapor fumes I inhaled over decades of soldering electronic gizmos together just NEVER occurred to me to have been an influence.
Not. You can blame any cause you want for any effect you don't want, but if the experiments aren't replicated, reviewed and controlled, it's all BS.
Amazing how I even made Dean's List at RPI with all those negative influences... :)
I've observed that in many such 'discussions,' folks on one side reject the veracity of experimental results put forth by 'the other side.'
Rarely, if ever, do both 'sides' get together and discuss the experimental processes as well as their results before decreeing that 'my side wins.'
You're absolutely right! Agendae seem to drive 'results' more than experimental design drives accuracy OF results. One of my favorite examples nowadays is the Global Warming "debate." The levels of 'he-said/she-said' or 'you fudged the data/no, I didn't' have made any rational discussions fairly impossible.
Me? I still blame lack of ability for Critical Thinking and Overwhelming Desire for Instant Answers by the Public as two of the root causes of the situation.
And I don't see those changing... do you?