The Trump campaign’s big mistake was to overlook a key voting block that helped carried Biden to his supposed victory

Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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I found this gem in the comments section on today's top Mercola story:
[Darzoum - Posted On 11/12/2020 12:41:29 AM]
There are many voting blocks that must be appealed to for any candidate to be successful these days. They often go by generational names, like “Baby Boomers” or “Millennials.” The Trump campaign’s big mistake was to overlook a key voting block that helped carried Biden to his supposed victory: people born around 1900 – 1910 or so. This particular contingency of voters often goes by the generational name of “The Deceased,” or, more simply, “Dead People.” Historians will note that Biden clearly carried the dead vote in 2020. With the discovery of the importance of this key demographic, partisan governors sensing an advantage will waste no time in their efforts to grow the ranks of this block of voters. Hence we now have the new rules for holiday celebrations, reducing them to deadly boring affairs, devoid of life and joy, apparently in the hopes of creating a new type of “walking dead” or zombified voter, one who will presumably vote in lockstep with the actually dead. At least, that’s the theory. Those with enough life left in them to defy this utter nonsense will be frowned upon as potential spoilers of this political strategy, if not classified as outright enemies of the state.

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