Fauci: Now is the time to do what you're told
Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 2 months ago to Politics
"Fauci noted that scientists have been perceived throughout this pandemic as “authoritarian” by members of the public, because of the steps taken to combat the virus. He noted that it’s unfortunate that science “has been lumped into politics.”
Will he do as we tell him because it will be "for the greater good"?
The vaccines are untested and we have no idea what the long term effects will be.
The effects may be worse than the effects of COVID.
Fauci has already demonstrated his self interest does not agree with my self interest.
I will not blindly do as I am told.
I will assemble evidence and analyze it for myself.
At this time the evidence shows that Fauci does not deserve my respect. In fact, Fauci deserves to be shunned as a lying looter.
We will not go blindly into the darkness of build back better global reset.
Talk down to We the peons will you?? We peons will get the last laugh.
Yes 25N..., it does sound like a threat because they are drunk on their newly discovered " Power over the Peons " .