This Building Has Caused More Problems Than It Solved
Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 4 months ago to Education
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos on schooling during COVID-19, the future of higher ed, and why her cabinet department probably shouldn't exist at all
Chapter One: The Seven Lesson School Teacher. "I teach....(with explanations of each lesson)
1. Confusion
2, Class Position
3, Indifference
4. Emotional Dependency
5. Intellectual Dependency
6. Provisional Self-esteem
7, One Can't Hide
The educators, which I separate from teachers, that I know, have unilateral resolve for the dissolution of this department. My father spent 37 years inciting minds to learn for the joy of learning. I know three of his administrative people who hired him into their respective school environments. Dad has been fired three times for not bowing to the Holy system in favor of doing what he saw work as a healthy environment for learning. mshupe and I had quite an exchange some months past regarding a lot of this....just can't find the post reference quickly.
"Have the last four years gone by quickly for you?
Well, it's only been three and a half, but it has gone very quickly. The temptation for anyone in this role is to implement policy that is reflective of your political persuasion or philosophy. I don't think that's the right way to approach policy, particularly from this building. I think I've continued to be very circumspect about that, because I know what I had to come in and undo. This building has caused more problems than it solved."