Juan Williams Call Out MSM on "Intolerable, Racist Thinking."

Posted by $ bigjim 11 years, 10 months ago to News
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"When will the mainstream media call attention to racist political thinking?"

Since Mr Williams probably couldn't get this column published in the MSM, I doubt that it will get much attention. Other than to excoriate him, of course.
SOURCE URL: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/01/25/when-will-mainstream-media-call-attention-to-racist-political-thinking/

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  • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 10 months ago
    This is scary:

    "I personally know this to be true. I have had a lot of the same vitriol directed at me for not towing the liberal party line on issues ranging from school choice to the importance of black fathers taking responsibility for their children. When I ask why civil rights leaders fail to take on gangster rappers who glamorize violence I was labeled as ‘Not-Authentically-Black.’

    In fact, at a white majority media organization, NPR, I became a pariah for speaking not holding predictable black, left wing views. As one NPR executive put it to me – just before I was fired from NPR - the old guard of white liberals at NPR did not appreciate a black man with conservative social views and some conservative friends."

    I also wasn't surprised by his RGIII comment. The first time I say RGIII give an interview, I was impressed with how articulate and intelligent he is. I knew it would be a matter of time before he was insulted. Likewise, Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo is extremely intelligent, well spoken, and well dressed, ans I've heard him labeled as gay for it.

    When being "black" becomes more important than being yourself, collectivism has won in your soul. I think Williams wrote a good account about how that has affected him personally.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 10 months ago
      good points. Gen. Colin Powell is considered presidential and Dr. Condeleeza Rice is often described as "Aunt Jemima." Both were secretaries of State. Recently, I could not believe the press given to Dominque Dawes, the Gold Medalist, not for her skill at such a young age, but for not styling her hair in a "natural" black style.
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