ObamaGate - Obama Knew and Approved Framing the Trump Campaign and Illegally Interfering With the trump Administration — None Dare Call it Obstruction

Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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"And what’s really clear now with the latest set of releases — specifically Former CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes on a CIA memo — that Obama directed his people to point all the fingers at Hillary for RussiaGate’s worst abuses while keeping Obama neatly above it all.

Just the amount of this document that has been redacted is itself an affront to the idea of government transparency and a free society.

These people work for us and their activities in this affair, at this stage, have no need to be redacted if they exonerate the President of any wrongdoing and implicate former President in any.

What this release indicates is that Obama clearly knew what was going on and gave his blessing to it. As Alex and Alex at The Duran put it so well in a recent video, Obama saw the opportunity to take out both Hillary and Trump."
SOURCE URL: https://tomluongo.me/2020/10/11/obamagates-endless-saga-none-dare-call-it-obstruction/

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