Pleased to meet you I'm Son_of_the_Right_Herder
Posted by deleted 4 years, 4 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
Feel free to call me Ben, I'm weary of most websites which claim to be bastions of Objective thought and reasoning. Please pardon me for feeling reserved in giving important identifying information about myself. For now I'm comfortable in sharing with you that I'm a student, I'm interested in all the sciences (specifically human genetics and aging). I currently work within an established lab, but I'd like to one day start a business in the field of Biotechnology. In the current climate of global politics I've longed for real life Galt's Gulch. However, fiction is often grander than reality and I will make do with this as an outlet for my thoughts and questions. I hope to learn from many of you and teach in return. I am by no means an expert. Thank you for having me.
I'm curious as to which sites of objectivity you've visited or involved yourself. The three most prominent are ARI, Atlas Society and TOS. You will find leads to others here.
I recommend The Objectivist's Ethics as a baseline for understanding. A 20+ page essay that set's the fundamentals for human interaction.
This was delivered at UW Madison in 1961.
I would be honored to have you participate in my nanotechnology minor program. I teach chemical and biomedical engineering. One of the areas that I have worked in is Alzheimer's disease protein misfolding, but I do many things. If you have read Atlas Shrugged, compare me to Quentin Daniels, the Utah Institute of Technology professor, except that I keep the doors open at Florida Institute of Technology. We are a private university that emphasizes High Tech with a Human Touch. I have paid the site for this bit of advertising in an effort to attract future John Galts like yourself.
We added a "maker" course to the curriculum last fall so that our students could make the devices that they use in the minor program, too.
One of our best students is interested in exactly the same areas as you are.
I'm 73 and never heard of Ayn Rand until the AS DVDs came out.
Many people who attended the lectures were enthusiastic but misguided fans who felt they could improve themselves by hanging the name Objectivism on their non-Objectivist beliefs. Of these, Rand found the Libertarian Party people to be the worst, because they were always asking questions intended to enlist her support for their positions. She called them (borrowing her Russian accent) "Leebertarian Heepies." Unlike the Marxists who were there to be outspoken enemies, the LP people were there as second-handers seeking a blessing. They never got it.
You are off to a great start. Biotechnology has grown from literally nothing in my 74 years. I think it is a great opportunity to advance science for the benefit of all mankind. Unfortunately, it seems, it will be too late for me to benefit from your work. Best wishes for your sucess.