Trump as Ragnar

Posted by dougthorburn 4 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Sometime over the last four years I came to understand Trump was our last hope. I cringed at some of his behaviors, I fought for the idea others would be so much more appropriate and might do a better job of saving the last great hope on earth, I argued that Rand Paul would be so much better...but a year or so ago I began to think there might be something else.

I began to consider Ragnar. The Pirate in Atlas Shrugged. Could Trump be a version of Ragnar?

I read this the other day:

And I read, I think in a recent Austrian, an interview with a libertarian comedian, who pointed to this wonderful piece:

And I realized it was the simplest explanation and answer to my question.

So I'll toss this hypothesis into the ring for your consideration and discussion: Trump is Ragnar.

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  • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 4 months ago
    Donald Trump is the prescient manifestation of Rand's Ragnar.
    Great references in Shmoop and 71republic. I spent about 2 hours vetting.
    Trump has raised the spirit of equitable interaction against thieves. The surmountable hurdle is to document a philosophical context that explains this into The US Constitution as an overall interpretive of equity or inequity......a preamble.
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