The Elephant in the Room - China
Posted by Ben_C 4 years, 5 months ago to Government
This is an excellent piece on the "War with China." It lays out the military, economic and political, and biological overthrow of the United States of America. I am amazed at how naive the Kool Aid drinkers are in the democratic party. If Biden / Harris win we are done as a nation. China will own us.
I had the extraordinary experience of being allowed access to my Uncle's files after he retired from the Navy. He spent 6 years Marine enlisted and 25 as a Navy aviator. His retirement was as Asst. Chief of Naval Flight Training in 1977 out of Corpus Christi. My allowance was in 1981 and 82. I perused 6 4-drawer cabinets that housed training methodology for military and civilian aircraft history dating back into the 30's. At the time I had no real idea of the logistics and intricate purpose of what I was experiencing. Some of this became evident when I had to get into training methodology while on the flightline in 1987.
In 1993 I had opportunity to visit him for an extended day. In our dialog he admonished that China was the most preeminent threat for any aggressions toward the US. He had a matter-of-fact way of presenting things that were calm and disarming, yet this article reminds me of the blunt subtlety he presented at the time. Constant vigilance is the lesson while human animals may gain power.
It is going to get really ugly after Nov 3 any way you cut it.