How did a repair shop obtain Hunter Biden's alleged laptop?

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 11 months ago to News
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This might be the craziest story of 2020 so far. So crazy, in fact, that Glenn and Stu have a hard time believing it's fully true. New, damning emails were just unveiled between a top businessman at energy company Burisma and Joe Biden's son, Hunter, discussing how he could "use [his] influence" on the company's behalf. But that's not the insane part...the emails were discovered on a laptop, possibly Hunter Biden's, that was mysteriously abandoned at a computer repair shop. So, is it fake news? The work of a foreign influence? Or did Hunter not think this through? Either way, the laptop is in the hands of a FBI investigation now, so the Biden family/Ukraine saga lives on...
SOURCE URL: https://www.glennbeck.com/radio/how-did-a-repair-shop-obtain-hunter-bidens-alleged-laptop

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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 11 months ago
    How did the shop get the computer? Because Hunter dropped it off there for repairs and data recovery. According to federal law, computer shops have a responsibility to report to the FBI if they come across anything which looks suspicious when doing data retrieval, which includes child pornography, evidence of sex trafficking, and communications with foreign entities. Oops.

    In order to protect the evidence, the shopowner made a copy of the entire drive for safekeeping while he tried to contact Hunter to come pick up his laptop after the repairs were completed. When he didn't come get it after 90 days, the shop owner turned over the laptop to the FBI - while keeping the copied information. When the FBI failed to do anything to investigate the information, the shop keeper leaked the documents to the press.

    It's all very real information, as the individual who sent the email is a foreign national who isn't talking about it - and happens to be with Burisma - that same corrupt organization who was paying Hunter Biden over a million $ to do ... what exactly? Oh, right - political access to Joe Biden - then Vice President of the United States.

    This evidence was dropped to show just how complicit the media companies are in covering for Biden and you can be sure that questions about managing these social media companies is going to come up in legislation.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 11 months ago
      I just saw Ted Cruz announce he's issuing a subpoena to both Zucker and Jack Dorsey. I hope it amounts to more than "we will try to do better." That's BS.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 3 years, 11 months ago
        The only real remedy is to force these companies to declare themselves as content providers and take away their tax-protected status as simply portals. Until that happens, they will just keep doing what they are doing.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 11 months ago
    Twitter Suspends Trump Campaign, House GOP Accounts Over Biden Scandal As Jack Dorsey's 'Mea Culpa' Proves Meaningless

    After yesterday's cross-platform social media embargo on a New York Post exposé detailing explosive evidence against Joe and Hunter Biden, Twitter is at it again on Thursday - suspending the Trump campaign's official account for sharing a video accusing the former Vice President of being a "liar who has been ripping off the country for years."

    Twitter's response sparked such a political backlash - with accusations of partisan election interference flying, that CEO Jack Dorsey issued a mea culpa, admitting that the company hadn't offered a sufficient explanation as to why the company blocked the Biden story (while failing to explain why they continue to allow unfounded Trump-Russia conspiracies to remain on the platform). Dorsey said that there had been a 'lack of communication' surrounding Twitter's decision, and that "Our communication around our actions on the NYPost article was not great. And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable."

    Our communication around our actions on the @nypost article was not great. And blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable. https://t.co/v55vDVVlgt

    — jack (@jack) October 14, 2020
    Twitter is also now hiding behind the Washington Post's 'confirmation' that Joe Biden didn't push out a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter.

    This is straight-up gaslighting. Twitter should ban itself for misinformation. There’s video of Uncle Joe boasting that he pushed out the prosecutor. pic.twitter.com/26CIWFFwjl

    — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 15, 2020
    Yet, despite Dorsey's mea culpa, Twitter is at it again on Thursday, censoring the Post's second installment of 'Bidengate' - citing never-before-seen emails between Hunter Biden and various individuals connected to a major Chinese energy firm that failed earlier this year after its chairman - a party insider with deep ties to China's military - was "disappeared" by China's state security apparatus.

    A subject line on the email, dated May 13, 2017 read "Expectations", and it included details of "remuneration packages" for six individuals involved in the new business venture (the nature of the business wasn't clear, though it appears to be related to Biden's international consulting business). However, Biden's partner in the business appears to be CEFC China Energy, the now-defunct energy firm mentioned above.

    In response, Twitter is in full censorship mode, again.

    Unbelievable. Yesterday, @twitter blocks links to @nypost story alleging Joe Biden corruption on China.

    TODAY, blocking links to ANOTHER NYPost story alleging Hunter Biden sold access to communist China for millions. I just tried to share that story. Here’s Twitter’s response 👇 pic.twitter.com/NZpw4gmcb2

    — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 15, 2020
    Twitter is now censoring the New York Post's report on how Hunter Biden attempted to cash in with Chinese firms. pic.twitter.com/Az9KE0eens

    — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) October 15, 2020

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    There needs to be an immediate government investigation into @twitter/@jack.

    Not just because of their blatant election interference to protect Biden, but to find out if they're censoring these NY Post stories at the behest of the Chinese Communist Party.

    Put Jack under oath!!! https://t.co/XCYzRWKsLk

    — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 15, 2020
    What would Twitter do if this was a scandal involving the Trumps? Based on the unverified Russia allegations they continue to allow on the platform, it becomes a rhetorical question.

    Tucker Carlson segment on Hunter Biden selling access to his father when he was Vice President

    — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 15, 2020

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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 11 months ago
      Today many you tube bloggers have had their acts terminated due to the reporting of Hunter Biden’s email story. Red pill78 , x22 report , Spaceshot76,
      McCalisterTV....... and many more. Information warfare.
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    • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 11 months ago
      Video of Uncle Joe boasting

      No judge would take the word of such 'a silly old duffer' to find another (or the same) silly old duffer guilty.

      Public opinion is another matter, I'd like to think the voters take a more straightforward view.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 11 months ago
    It is time to get some real hackers into this. Pardon Snowden and Assange, and put them on the case. The republicans in office do not seem to have the soamach for real research. Comey had Weiner's laptop, nd too months to look at content. Hunter is not the brightest caryon in the pack, maybe he threw the laptop away and Daddy got him a new one, then soemone else took it in to be worked on. The FBI, if they do their job, should be able to see if they went through a server.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 3 years, 11 months ago
      His Daddy didn't buy him a new one....The CCP sent him a new one with all the "appropriate" tracking software. AND....they do daily backups so he won't lose ANY of the "data". All of this is done for him because of all the wonderful work Hunter AND his Daddy do for them.
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  • Posted by sharky701 3 years, 11 months ago
    Somewhere it was mentioned that Hunters lawyer had sent emails to the repair shop asking for the laptop back after it had been left for over 90 days and not been retrieved, also said the shop guy had made 4 copies, and split them up just to save his ass in case some crazy shit happened.
    How does one drop off a laptop for repairs and forget to pick it up?
    One with enough $ to travel the world all jet set in style and dine with fine cuisine every night can surely afford a new laptop while waiting for the old one to get repaired. Now add a crack, meth, heroine & alcohol addiction to the mix, and put in a to-do list that keeps one super busy traveling and making all these shady back room deals, while keeping a heavy dose of self medicating. Now add on a pedophile BDSM video one is forced to participate in performing illegal actions on said video by the Chinese government people that are paying for it all in order to "own" ___.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 11 months ago
    Saw an article today that quotes the store owner. In fact...if what he's implying is true he needs to come clean publicly as soon as possible or he'll end up Arkancided. Because of that...I'm having trouble believing there's anything to this story. I haven't taken the time to look into it further. But, I'm just not buying it. We're being told, "oooooh, this looks REEEEALY bad for Joe..." But, it's all sizzle and no steak. Frankly, it reeks.
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