Debate of the Vice-Presidential Candidates--Quibbling? Or America's Fate?

Posted by WDonway 4 years, 3 months ago to History
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Obama leaped from almost obscurity to the U.S. Presidency. And so may Harris, given Biden's age. I mean he is WAY past his "use by" date. And she may end up in the presidency without even running for it as Obama did. This got me contemplating the final centuries of the Roman Empire in the west and the argument that the speed of its decline was not fated or determined--nor "caused" by any one factor such as the rise of Christianity. Instead, one points to weak leaders, bad judgment, some very damaging events that were partly chance, devastating blows from treason, and expedients (like packing the Roman armies with mercenary Huns whose rose to top leadership). A dyed-in-the-wool postmodernist and far-leftist with socialist sympathies could become president just at the time when communist China's long-term plan of replacing America as world leader ("hegemon") is approaching its target date. When the anti-industrial revolution that is "catastrophic climate change" ideology is at its peak momentum. When years of virtually unconstrained inflation ("quantitative easing") has put a time-bomb under the U.S. economy, the dollar, and the world financial system. When the U.S.'s long-term world ally, Western Europe, is absorbing population and ideas and sympathies from Islam. The fall of the Roman Empire in the west was indescribably violent, devasting to economies, everywhere characterized by savage looting, rape, burning, and massacre. Roman influence, military power, and wealth had been massive and seemingly invincible. It survived crisis after crisis, blow after blow, but more than half the time by compromising its most essential principles. Few in positions of power thought like the giants who had built the Roman Republic. And few had their deeply principled commitment to the concept of Rome. It has been said: "Men did not love Rome because she was great; she became great because men loved her."
SOURCE URL: https://www.thesavvystreet.com/the-debate-of-the-vice-presidential-candidates-quibbling-or-americas-fate/

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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 3 months ago
    Anyone who thinks Biden won't get tossed from office for incompetency via the 25th Amendment within two months of his inauguration is ignorant of what the Left wants - total control. And that's only if Biden doesn't suddenly have a stroke and die - which can be orchestrated by all kinds of medications.

    This race really isn't about Biden at all. It's Trump vs Harris. Biden is just on the ticket because he's more likable than Harris even in Democratic circles.
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 4 years, 3 months ago
      That's saying a lot, isn't it (Biden more likeable than Harris - and that being the only reason they are using Biden)? I can understand why a person might not want to vote for President Trump if all they are going by is his mannerism, his brashness....all that stuff....but how a person could vote for Biden, seeing what's happening, is really and truly beyond me.

      IF I could not see my way to vote for Trump (but I have already voted for him), I'd just have to go with a third party (but not plagiarist Jo Jorgenson). I could not force myself to vote for Biden under any circumstance.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 3 months ago
        I had the same reaction in 2016. I could under no circumstances vote for Hillary Clinton. I would have voted for the Green Party candidate before I voted for a Democrat.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 3 months ago
    I have not studied the fall of the Roman empire, so my comment is not a professional analysis at all, just a neophyte observation.
    It is curious to me that the side effects of the rise of Christianity were a significant contributor to the fall of Rome, and that the fall of Christianity, as planned by socialists, is a significant contributor to the fall of the American republican form of government.
    In both cases, there is a common thread to the "empire's" fall: corruption which is the antithesis of Christian teachings.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years, 3 months ago
      I could not agree with that more. Communication was also the end. The empire was just too big to control monolithically. Italy remains a bunch of city states today.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 3 months ago
        As a corollary to that, it is interesting but one of the huge advances made even in the 19th century in the US was to build roads and provide communications all across the nation at great speed. It was quite amazing, but even back then - with no telegraph lines - it wasn't unusual for local papers in the South to carry the headlines from New York only a day or two later. It's rather ironic, but the reason Wall Street (in New York City) became the huge hub of international commerce it remains today is because they handled cotton futures and shipments - despite being thousands of miles from any cotton!
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 4 years, 3 months ago
    Excellent article. I have read and reread it over and over. Wish I could give it 1000s of thumbs up.
    The times we face today are just a repeat of past history, and we all know that studying history is a lost cause for the uninformed and ignorant masses of sheeple who only value their selfish utopian, fantasy of desires and pleasures.
    After it’s encounter with the iceberg, the fate of the Titanic was sealed.
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  • Posted by Katrina41 4 years, 3 months ago
    And in the foreground, almost a mini-series of the election, Amy Coney Barrett threads her very successful way through the minefields the bitter Democratic senators have laid out for her. It has been an amazing two days of intelligence and knowledge without notes soaring over the heads of those who have little knowledge and lots of notes. Sort of like an extemporanious Trump speaking live to thousands soaring over a tongue-tied, teleprompter user with an audience of 8 Pennsylvanians. All hope is not lost yet, and maybe, just maybe we aren't Rome 2.0
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