Wanna Bet

Posted by $ Thoritsu 4 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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I have proposed a few bets recently. If Biden gets elected...
Now I propose: If Biden gets elected, Chief Justice Roberts retires...
Why wouldn't he retire, rather than dangling at the end of a blackmailing puppet string?

He has voted in each major case, against the other conservatives, ObamaCare being the most significant. The linked recent one is yet another.

Sooo happy Barrett is in. His forced vote doesn't matter. If Trump is reelected, Roberts can't retire, because "They need his balls in their hands", and that majority would never get overcome.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/schumer-attacks-judge-barrett-after-4-4-supreme-court-ruling-in-pennsylvania_3546362.html

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