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  • Posted by $ blarman 4 years, 3 months ago
    So one quibble: I would strongly recommend removing the Great Wall of China. If one is going to celebrate human achievement, it should probably be voluntary human achievement. Do we want to consider that which was built on the backs of slaves and political prisoners achievement?

    That being said, I do think we should encourage especially high school students to play the "If Not For" game! Very enlightening and may be effective in combating the entitlement attitude so prevalent today.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 3 months ago
    I'm not sure who wrote this stupid article but I'd say my greatest achievement is enduring all this crap for 83 years! Why do people try to tear down America?
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    • Posted by 4 years, 3 months ago
      What on earth are you talking about? An article in praise of human achievement is tearing down America? And did you notice that the achievers in the banner includes America's Founders, Ben Franklin and a list of mostly Americans? You have a problem with celebrating great achievements and reflecting on their foundations, which includes liberty?
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      • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 3 months ago
        Doc, I have to admit I had a similar reaction to 25n56 at first. I realize it was my dissonance from a day of studying the s**t going on about us.
        For me it was reaction to the similarity of proposal of all the "woke" materials I've encountered.....pseudo-contextually.
        Knowing of your works, I stepped back and went about some more constructive things centered I my life for a bit.
        And with a re-read....I could not concur more with the effort. It is time to address the rhetoric of separation with that of inclusivity of endeavor.

        I've been involved in manufacturing for over 40 years...some really neat stuff nobody hears of. And I've a relative history of how some of these things have affected economies and even politics respectively. Here is a YouTube video that reflects some of my proximity to a creation...with the rest of the story that I posted for posterity.
        And now the rest of the story.
        In 1991 I had the privilege of meeting Robert L. Hughes of Minneapolis Mn. At that time he operated a small machine shop off of 42nd St. and Hiawatha Ave., Alpha Engineering. In 1994 I began co-habitation of my business with his at his invitation. Through many mutual projects I got to know a lot of Bob's experiences. The most notable for this posting is that he developed the first equipment to synchronously grind all the profiles and features to make the deep draw of aluminum bodies possible without tearing the wall. In the late 60's he sold the machinery and rights to Standun. I remember seeing the photographs as the project developed and Bob with the final working model. I post this as tribute to the incredible mind and creativity of one seemingly obscure man...who changed a part of history before any other. It is with fond memory I claim him mentor, friend, business associate...and a second Dad all in one. Should any other wish to pursue the history deeper, Bob's wife, Carol, still runs the business as of this post.
        This technology fostered the patent # US3735629A (excerpt below) by Standun, E. Paramonoff
        "This invention relates to an apparatus for forming one piece metallic can bodies and more particularly, to such an apparatus which may include reciprocal ram acting through a die pack incorporating multiple ironing dies, and sometimes incorporating an initial redraw die, for forming one piece metallic can bodies from previously formed cup-like metallic parts. Even more particularly, the principles of the present invention may include any one or all in combination of a novel mechanical drive for the reciprocal ram arranged for high speed ram movement during a working portion thereof and reduced speed ram movement during a part feeding portion thereof, hydrostatic-type bearing support for the reciprocal ram wherein the ram movements are supported on constantly pressurized and flowing, thickened oil films for maximum movement accuracy and minimum wear, and a novel arrangement of die pack assembly having improved die mounting providing sufficient die lubrication and cooling throughout the working operation with convenient die accessibility for maintenance without disturbing the remainder of the die pack assembly."

        My regards to all the Creators out there.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 4 years, 3 months ago
      The answer to your question I first heard from Michael Savage late one night on my car radio over a decade ago and I think we've all heard others say it since: "Liberalism is a mental disorder.."
      Now it appears that mental disorder worsened to a rabid America-hating Marxist madness.
      Me dino wonders when those "woke" indoctrinated zombies will devolve into actual walking dead, who crave to viciously devour brains to replace what they no longer have.
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  • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 3 months ago
    Sounds like an answer to earth hour when you turn off all lights at home.
    What I do is open all blinds and turn on all lights at home. Was it Oct 21? Missed it.

    But, If you’re reading this, it’s probably because of Steven Jobs, Bill Gates, or the founders and achievers at Google, Facebook..
    Soon you may realize you are not reading something important because of big tech.
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  • Posted by 4 years, 3 months ago
    A quick note: As you'll see on the website, I started the Human Achievement Alliance on the premises that: 1) Exponential tech can usher in a prosperous future with long, healthy lives; 2) But gov regs and controls, especially of education, is blocking this future; 3) the domination of our culture and institutions by post-modernist nihilist is the root problem; and 4) we need to combat this by allying with others to restore Enlightenment values in conjunction with institution changes. The left has succeeded in its "Long march through the institutions." We need our own! See
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  • Posted by Orwellian 4 years, 3 months ago
    I like the pure concept, but like many achievements and awards when the left get a hold of it it will be about their message. Like a Nobel prize for doing not one damm thing.
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