Who's Shaking the Jar?

Posted by Idiocracy42 4 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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  • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 5 months ago
    Short but right on point.
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    • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 5 months ago
      However since the jar is between us and the hand we can't really "git 'em" until we're free of the jar, so if one were to interpret life like you would a dream, what might that jar that we're locked up in be representing? (I'm sorry, Freud, but it's probably not your wiener or your mother this time. Maybe next time)
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 5 months ago
        Brought about a good chuckle you did...
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        • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 4 months ago
          As one thing leads to another and there's something to be found in every thing (an unfoldment not an accretion) it's still making me laugh. I had/have no intention of hi-jacking this thread and flooding the comments, but some things pop into my head that just feel like they're worth sharing and I don't post very often so maybe it's forgiveable. They say to "Be careful who you share your dreams with" but the anonymity and disconnection of the internet that some folks use as shields of immunity from real-world consequences of "trolling" & being an overall jerk can be used for good too & I think this warning is more in regards to sharing dreams too flippantly with those around you who can reach out and touch you & might take them a wrong way & use them against you. Seems pretty harmless here.

          10/11/20 - This now being hours after waking, the details of the last dream are mostly out of sight, but I was essentially showing my mother how to actively enter and navigate through the dream world and collective unconscious, and as we stood by what appeared to be the "portal" or "stargate" she was asking "How are you able to do this?" Whether or not there really was any kind of an actual visitation in the dream world happening between me & her I can't really know right now (I could send her a text and ask her if she had any interesting or unusual dreams last night that she remembers, but maybe not even then). I'm trying to be as careful & mindful as I can about what & how I'm extrapolating.
          So far I haven't been giving any of the real world prior day's context for the symbolisms as long as I've been noticing and connecting them in the present (just for the sake of brevity & content condensation), but I may as well.

          After crushing my finger and getting a text from her "out of the blue" asking how I was doing (as I was waiting out the pain. Still am, but was too), I again noticed the timing to be yet another "coincidence" to add to the growing stack in her room/realm of my mental-note-taking that again makes me wonder "How is SHE seemingly capable of sensing things about me without any tangible contact or connection to them being made?" (especially being such a seemingly polar opposite personality type & way of thinking) Am I projecting a connection that she is picking up on & responding to? Is she becoming a little more whole and connected now that old age is diminishing her social life and increasing her alone time? Am I reading too much into this? Or maybe even "all of the above".
          Another parallel from the prior day that the dream was apparently playing with was a comment I made on... (here) ...saying... (see above) ...and I couldn't help but picture Jung somewhere on the other side having a good laugh at that, like "Got him!" It's genuinely funny how it all comes full circle. In that little snapshot of my imagination (or daydream), upon reflection, it didn't seem like Freud was there for Jung to poke in the ribs and say "Come on! LAUGH! It's just a joke!" which leads to the "silly question" of "why is that?" & then an answer: Maybe being bound together around the same thing as polar opposites with Freud of the perspective that it's all physical and rational while Jung was more like "I wouldn't be so sure of that. There seems to be something more to it below the surface and I can show you if you'll allow me to", I suppose it's only rational that he would wind up in a different place. But on the flip side of the coin, it's like asking if "heads" and "tails" are in the same place. Yes and no.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 4 months ago
            There are '3' sides to a coin...everyone forgets the edge that separates the other 2.

            Seems to me that whether, front/back, heads/tail, day/night, good/bad or even happy/sad, future or past...they are always separated by an edge, a thickness or a gap. The gap being an inbetween stage like sitting on the fence...neither here nor there, to be or not to be or just On the Edge of knowing.
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            • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 4 months ago
              I can't help but wonder at where this could have come from. Both your comment and mine, now so soon re-appearing in a modern version of a very old mythical tale that I stumbled upon out of the blue (and green). Curiouser and curiouser.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 4 months ago
                What old mythical tale? I'd like to know. The three sides thing was an insight I had some years ago and never put to pen and paper.
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                • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 4 months ago
                  "Lillith: The Last Temptation of Adam" is the newer version (dropped this year) that came from a seemingly very significant dream had by the guy carrying on Jung's work fulfilling his promise to Jung's son Franz (see "Jung To Live By" on Youtube). The older book (probably easy to find for free online) that I read as a child was by George MacDonald. Like a chain of dominoes (not yet seeing more clearly the broader view that shows where it begins and ends) I don't know where or how to even begin to explain the parallels. Suffice it to say, as the bombardments of the senses (in the mailbox, inbox, telephone, TV, social media, street/shop signs, and pretty much everywhere you look. Even in the people screaming "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" as they fight over who's programming is more important without first considering what if anything they are actually offering) has been turned way up for us in 2020, I've turned down/off the things that are screaming and followed what has pulled me more gently and been finding some increasingly interesting things.

                  In myths & dreams, though? How can those things matter? Well they do. They have a way of animating people and things. The "demon-rats" are calling for a "dark winter" aren't they? Odd choice of wording, isn't it?
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 4 months ago
                    Hmm...inside reveals outside...so the inbetween, the edge might be an 'in-progress' kind of thing?..or, that which started the whole process in the beginning...before the inside/outside.

                    If the edge is 'containment' then it must come first...unlike the coin which happens all at once.
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                    • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 4 months ago
                      Yes, as far as I can tell (and it does seem to be happening "all at once". We just move through it), but the containment (of my own creation) is the un-dying temptation. "It's not the spoon that bends, Neo, it's your mind" Follow the white rabbit down the hole to watch the coin spin, pulling the past into the future and the future into the past. I thought it odd in the movie Donnie Darko that the words "cellar door" were thought to be significant, but I think now I might be on the edge of understanding: It's the doorway to what lies beneath. Follow your trains of thought to the words that seem to be the most true. That is the weapon she wants but doesn't fully know how to use. The green room in the movie "Dark City" that the aliens used to focus their hive-minds on to make the changes THEY wanted to make in the world and people's lives was a metaphor for the mind that the main character learned how to use to create and fill his own world with. This too is in accordance with some of the more archetypal dreams that I've had too. If our streams of consciousness could be extracted, distilled, and examined under a microscope, I imagine they would be saying something like "...METOTHENEXTLEVELTAKE..." while our DNA runs more like "GATTACA" ....or is it "ACATTAG"? I forget.

                      "Oh dark and molten mother who would eat her own if ever given to them, we are the Ones that can see this world in the wrinkles and ripples of time and space and move like the wind and the water through the trees that have been seeded. Remain contained and remember your place and part, for you will forever be consumed by the fires of your own heart."
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 4 months ago
                    With our shields weakened by 25% and the sun waking up one last time before a long slumber before the next sneeze; ending this 12Kyear old civilization, (or is it: anti civilized)...our winter may well be dark. One CME or sunspot flair of anything greater than a KP7 will take out our grid for a while.
                    Let's hope the shields hold up, Scottie.
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                    • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 4 months ago
                      25% isn't all that bad. Notice how she looks right through them like some crystal ball that she feels like she owns with her eye only on the weapons, not the shields or the hands. Lets give her what she thinks she wants and focus the shields to contain her within to allow her to be what she is: forever consumed by the fire of her own creation.
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 4 months ago
                        Ah, there is an interdependence, that sneeze depends upon the weakening and the reversing.
                        That movement is ever increasing, all that is needed is a 50% reduction to increase the chaos leading to the final event.
                        Then...a new beginning.

                        We are now...On the Edge of Knowing.
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                  • Posted by SilentScream 4 years, 4 months ago
                    We each have our own codes and Qs to crack, but most don't remember their dreams and those that do find them hard to understand especially because dreams are riddles given by our other side in a parallel/analogy way that doesn't seem to make much sense or be very significant unless/until it is broken down and un-packed (to solve the riddle and find the next Q/clue). We are in a way possessed by the spirits of our day unless/until we disappear them like Rumplestiltskin when we find their true name and reclaim our natural born rights to take up the reigns.
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