The Fauci scare continues. Be afraid; be very afraid.

Posted by Casebier 4 years, 5 months ago to Politics
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Less than 6% of Covid deaths are solely due to Covid, and 90% of those "sole-Covid" deaths were "advanced age" patients. Of those deaths that were part of the 94+%, they averaged 2.6 comorbidity causes (asthma, diabetes, COPD, heart disease, alcoholism, AIDS, taking chemo, etc.) in addition to Covid. Added to the estimates is that up to 80% of people who get the disease are unaware they have or have had it, healthy young people who die of the disease are almost non-existent. But when those 1 out of millions happens, they make big news and big rationale for big government keeping things closed so people are jobless, scared and dependent on Uncle Sammy to take care of them.

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