'Get Trump': FBI Whistleblower On Mueller Team Details Real Reason Flynn Was Targeted
This is going to be biblical....... Any onw who has been waiting for arrests...they are coming...after this crap...
After moving in 2016 to close the Flynn investigation for complete lack of any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, Barnett was instructed in early 2017 to keep it open and investigate Flynn for a Logan Act violation. The FBI didn’t even have a code for the Logan Act, a never-used, centuries-old law prohibiting private citizens from corresponding with foreign governments. Flynn was not a private citizen, but the incoming National Security Advisor for President Trump when he made phone calls with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, so even if the law were deemed constitutional, it would not have applied to Flynn."
Gee whenever people said that n the past, they were labeled "conspiracy theorists"....
General Flynn was (and is still being) railroaded, with fake evidence that even then was so poor it would not hold up in court. And set up by...yes... Peter Strozk:
"When Barnett pushed for a closing interview with Flynn in 2016, as part of the normal procedure for closing cases that were going nowhere, he was rebuffed. But when the FBI later interviewed Flynn, falsely conveying to Flynn that he was not a target of an investigation and not in danger of walking into a perjury trap, Barnett was “cut out” of the January 24, 2017, ambush interview of Flynn, and was not informed of its existence until it had already been conducted. “Typically a line agent/case agent would do the interview with a senior FBI official present in cases concerning high ranking political officials,” the summary of Barnett’s interview noted. While Barnett at first thought the unusual move was part of an effort to close the investigation, he later realized otherwise."
After moving in 2016 to close the Flynn investigation for complete lack of any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, Barnett was instructed in early 2017 to keep it open and investigate Flynn for a Logan Act violation. The FBI didn’t even have a code for the Logan Act, a never-used, centuries-old law prohibiting private citizens from corresponding with foreign governments. Flynn was not a private citizen, but the incoming National Security Advisor for President Trump when he made phone calls with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, so even if the law were deemed constitutional, it would not have applied to Flynn."
Gee whenever people said that n the past, they were labeled "conspiracy theorists"....
General Flynn was (and is still being) railroaded, with fake evidence that even then was so poor it would not hold up in court. And set up by...yes... Peter Strozk:
"When Barnett pushed for a closing interview with Flynn in 2016, as part of the normal procedure for closing cases that were going nowhere, he was rebuffed. But when the FBI later interviewed Flynn, falsely conveying to Flynn that he was not a target of an investigation and not in danger of walking into a perjury trap, Barnett was “cut out” of the January 24, 2017, ambush interview of Flynn, and was not informed of its existence until it had already been conducted. “Typically a line agent/case agent would do the interview with a senior FBI official present in cases concerning high ranking political officials,” the summary of Barnett’s interview noted. While Barnett at first thought the unusual move was part of an effort to close the investigation, he later realized otherwise."
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- 2Posted by $ 25n56il4 4 years, 5 months agoFlynn''s big mistake was falling on his sword. But that's what the Military tells them to do.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by $ nickursis 4 years, 5 months agoWell, not so fast, he pleaded guilty because a) They framed him, so it becomes a "prove that you are innocent when the government says you areguilty, and they own the judges (witness how Sullivan is doing his deep state masters bidding to NOT let him go, so he cannot say anything) AND b:They blackmailed him with something they said they had on his son, which probably was also a frame up job. Imagine Scumbag Strozk in a room playing Mr. Bad Guy saying " Well Mr. Flynn, we have this information about your son, and this is a crime, so we might have to investigate and prefer charges, because we just cannot allow this to go unnoticed....BUT.....". Q pointed out the blackmail several times. As well as what people will do for their children....Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|