Attack on free speech

Posted by richrobinson 4 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
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In a tweet Hillary Clinton is encouraging social media platforms to censor any content they deem to be disinformation. This has been going on for a while now but it seems some leftists are getting more comfortable with limiting free speech. Frightening.

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 6 months ago
    The latest (and most outrageous) case of censoring was done by Fox News. Newt Gingrich was a guest on "Outnumbered" and started to talk about the fact that George Soros is funding the election of pro-criminal prosecutors across the country. First the co-host tried to cut him off by saying "We don't need to bring Soros into this." Then, when Gingrich asked why they didn't want to discuss it, they cut him off completely. Fox News later made a lame sort of apology, but the damage is done. I'm advising my friends to look into Newsmax, or even Alex Jones's "Banned Video" site to get straight facts, now that I feel even Fox News can't be trusted.
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    • Posted by Rex_Little 4 years, 6 months ago
      I keep hearing that Soros funds this or that left-wing cause. Is this a known fact in every case, or is Soros a boogeyman whose name gets tossed out whenever we don't know who else to blame?

      I'm thinking that maybe Fox shushed Gingrich because he was saying something as fact which couldn't be proven, thereby opening them up to a libel suit.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 4 years, 6 months ago
        No, Soros's organizations have been well mapped out, and it's comparatively easy to follow the money to see what he's funding. He's almost as easy to track as Bloomberg, as he really doesn't care who knows what he's doing.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 6 months ago
    Hell...they've been doing that for a long time. It first (in my own experience) started here in Cali when there was a controversial law (that did pass and was signed by Brown). We were fighting the law and noticed websites starting to disappear. At that time I went on a fishing trip where I made friends with an NSA staffer...who clued me in to what was really happening. THAT is one hell of a story...
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 4 years, 6 months ago
    I think it's a case of the leftists being more comfortable simply admitting what we all know.Why should they worry about being caught? Who's going to hold them accountable, or challenge them on their actions? Who's going to call them on their blatant and total hypocrisy? Certainly not the MSM, since they are quite literally in lockstep with the political lefties.
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  • Posted by Stormi 4 years, 6 months ago
    If you remember Hillary's rallies in 2016, she promised we would be banned from challenging global warming, no scientific discussions. She also said when she contorlled the Internet, there would not be and political dissent speech online. She is a controlling Marxist, and Obama followed upby transferring the Internet to the UN, who promptly put Chinese in control!
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  • Posted by sbmull1 4 years, 6 months ago
    To Dancing Don. Re: privately owned social media being free to censor any content they choose, or refuse ads from those with whom they disagree: how is that different from a private bakery owner refusing to bake a cake for any customer, regardless of reason? The Libs can’t have it both ways. Either a company has the right to pick and choose or they don’t.
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  • Posted by chriwatkins 4 years, 6 months ago
    Not too long ago, I re-watched the movie version of Orwell's 1984.
    Granted I'd read the book several times as well as Ayn Rand's novels back when I was in high school and most of my compatriots were still struggling with "Tip and mittens"!
    Mind you, this was in the late seventies but even then, being in possession of such heinous tomes ,especially Atlas Shrugged in a public school was tantamount to toting a loaded gun!
    Anyway, after a night of Fox News, adult beverage in hand, I clicked on 1984. Talk about prophetic!
    Rich, you used the adjective 'frightening'. I would suggest the words sinister and evil are more appropriate.
    Though I've been getting emails from this site for awhile now, this is the first time I've responded back.
    Forgive me as I'm an old timer and still somewhat unfamiliar with the ins and outs of social media. However, logging into this site, I feel the same sense of freedom that the 'strikers' must have felt when they first arrived at the Gulch.
    I've got tons of writings that I'd be happy to share with you if you so desire as long as I can figure out this site and remember my password!
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    • Posted by $ Commander 4 years, 6 months ago
      Welcome back Chris.
      We have seen a lot of members returning after long inactivity....and quite a few new friends added over the last months.
      I saw you had posted to "What is so AWESOME about the gulch"; and correlating with your unfamiliarity of the site, the thread is over 5 years old...LOL
      With that expressed...I hope Mr Halling, the original poster, get's a prompt to look back and see what is transpiring here...He and his beloved have left a void in their absence.
      I agree with your assessment of sinister and evil. When I was 14 (77) I had the fortune to read Anthem, 1984, and a 1944 translation of Lao Tsu's poems within 3 months. These 3 works led to The Fountainhed and Atlas Shrugged within the next year. All of this was prefaced by watching Future Shock (AlvinToeffler) film in 1972.
      During all the years I had access to natural surroundings, mostly untouched by humans. Never did I see evil in these places; sinister and evil are strictly human traits sourced in fear and confusion of non-reality and then asserted as methods of "control" over others and the randomness of the universe.
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  • Posted by DancingDon 4 years, 6 months ago
    Do I detect a bit of a double standard here? Last time I looked all the social media platforms - at least the popular ones, are privately owned. Supposed to mean they can allow or disallow whoever they want to use their platforms. Don't like what they are doing? Don't use them, or even better start your own.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago
      Meanwhile they spout false propaganda and suppress any attempt to respond, effectively manipulating the sheep-like voters.
      Yes, that will work, assuming you want to see a socialist regime that destroys: individual liberty, any chance of free markets, and what's left of the middle class.
      Yes, there is a double standard - being followed by the social media platforms (and by the media who are federally licensed.)
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      • Posted by DancingDon 4 years, 6 months ago
        all very true. However do you advocate somehow forcing them to use their property according to your standards? Federally licensed? maybe getting the feds out of the communication industries would help?
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        • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago
          I think politicians, bankers, and Wall St operators should be held accountable for lying, too. Yes, I do think that social media should not be allowed to censor views that the owners disagree with. The social media platforms are in effect public forums and censorship should not be allowed.
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    • Posted by 4 years, 6 months ago
      True but I do wonder how much they cooperate with the government. If the Feds are allowed to track tweets and data mine Facebook pages then in my mind in nullifies there private status.
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