Attack on free speech
Posted by richrobinson 4 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
In a tweet Hillary Clinton is encouraging social media platforms to censor any content they deem to be disinformation. This has been going on for a while now but it seems some leftists are getting more comfortable with limiting free speech. Frightening.
I'm thinking that maybe Fox shushed Gingrich because he was saying something as fact which couldn't be proven, thereby opening them up to a libel suit.
Questioning anything proves one is a racist who is opposed to science and therefore must be ridiculed, threatened, canceled.
However, today it is LeftThink and LeftSpeak!
Granted I'd read the book several times as well as Ayn Rand's novels back when I was in high school and most of my compatriots were still struggling with "Tip and mittens"!
Mind you, this was in the late seventies but even then, being in possession of such heinous tomes ,especially Atlas Shrugged in a public school was tantamount to toting a loaded gun!
Anyway, after a night of Fox News, adult beverage in hand, I clicked on 1984. Talk about prophetic!
Rich, you used the adjective 'frightening'. I would suggest the words sinister and evil are more appropriate.
Though I've been getting emails from this site for awhile now, this is the first time I've responded back.
Forgive me as I'm an old timer and still somewhat unfamiliar with the ins and outs of social media. However, logging into this site, I feel the same sense of freedom that the 'strikers' must have felt when they first arrived at the Gulch.
I've got tons of writings that I'd be happy to share with you if you so desire as long as I can figure out this site and remember my password!
We have seen a lot of members returning after long inactivity....and quite a few new friends added over the last months.
I saw you had posted to "What is so AWESOME about the gulch"; and correlating with your unfamiliarity of the site, the thread is over 5 years old...LOL
With that expressed...I hope Mr Halling, the original poster, get's a prompt to look back and see what is transpiring here...He and his beloved have left a void in their absence.
I agree with your assessment of sinister and evil. When I was 14 (77) I had the fortune to read Anthem, 1984, and a 1944 translation of Lao Tsu's poems within 3 months. These 3 works led to The Fountainhed and Atlas Shrugged within the next year. All of this was prefaced by watching Future Shock (AlvinToeffler) film in 1972.
During all the years I had access to natural surroundings, mostly untouched by humans. Never did I see evil in these places; sinister and evil are strictly human traits sourced in fear and confusion of non-reality and then asserted as methods of "control" over others and the randomness of the universe.
Yes, that will work, assuming you want to see a socialist regime that destroys: individual liberty, any chance of free markets, and what's left of the middle class.
Yes, there is a double standard - being followed by the social media platforms (and by the media who are federally licensed.)