Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden, “Every governor should mandate mandatory mask wearing." Anyone doubt Biden will FORCE Mask Wearing and Vaccines if elected?
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
Mask-wearing in all of the major cities – from Los Angeles to Miami – has been in place and followed by pressure and community shaming for months. Compliance in most of these places has been off the charts, according to the NYT. Yet the virus is still spreading more than before the mandate. The virus is now spreading in Japan, Hong Kong, and the Philippines, which have near universal mask-wearing. At what point does the mask cult have to provide evidence of the effectiveness of these unconstitutional mandates, and at what point do benchmarks have to be met to maintain such a draconian and life-altering requirement?
Once again, I don’t think that it is wrong to wear a mask at all. In fact, for many people I believe that it is the correct choice.
But if we let them mandate masks, it will just be a matter of time before they start mandating that we all take the coming COVID-19 vaccine. Already, many in the mainstream media are quite distressed about the fact that polls have shown that most Americans don’t plan to get the vaccine at all. The following comes from a USA Today article entitled “Experts worry that a COVID-19 vaccine won’t help if not enough people are willing to get one”…
Once again, I don’t think that it is wrong to wear a mask at all. In fact, for many people I believe that it is the correct choice.
But if we let them mandate masks, it will just be a matter of time before they start mandating that we all take the coming COVID-19 vaccine. Already, many in the mainstream media are quite distressed about the fact that polls have shown that most Americans don’t plan to get the vaccine at all. The following comes from a USA Today article entitled “Experts worry that a COVID-19 vaccine won’t help if not enough people are willing to get one”…
That still is hard to understand. Let's move up a bit. A rice grain is a bit more than a tenth of an inch in diameter. So, what do 100,000 grains of rice lined up side by side look like? Oh, almost as long as an aircraft carrier. Now we can see why the masks are completely ineffective. It's not trying to filter out a mosquito with a chain link fence. It's trying to filter out grains of rice with aircraft carrier size fibers!
That's why no clinical studies have produced statistically significant results https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/07/2... .
That does not mean I think it should be mandatory. People deserve all the facts and they should be free to decide for themselves.
It is essential to note that the mechanisms of person-to-person transmission in the community have not been fully determined. Controversy remains over the role of transmission through fine-particle aerosols (3,46). Transmission by indirect contact requires transfer of viable virus from respiratory mucosa onto hands and other surfaces, survival on those surfaces, and successful inoculation into the respiratory mucosa of another person. All of these components of the transmission route have not been studied extensively. The impact of environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity, on influenza transmission is also uncertain (47). These uncertainties over basic transmission modes and mechanisms hinder the optimization of control measures. [ https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/... ]
The CDC has not even done the basic research into virus transmission methods. Just why do we need to spend money on them?
Even if there is a vaccine, we are all getting COVID, just like we all get the flu. Perhaps the response will be better after a vaccine, maybe.
I would rather have COVID and freedom, than be forced to hide at home and be forced to behave like a criminal in public. If people want to cower in the shadows and wear space suits in public, fine, go ahead. Forcing perfectly healthy people to make these people feel vindicated in their fear is infuriating and inappropriate.
Separately -
The COVID fear will almost instantly disappear with a change in administration. The media will proclaim Biden has resolved it, the lemmings will go back to work and be happy, and they will associate COVID with Trump.
The ONLY reason for this continued nonsense is to defeat Trump and take the senate in 2020.
It is covert election tampering.
This guys has it right, and the reason EVERYTHING will open up if there is an administration change.
Does this prove the uselessness of masks? Maybe. I am not sure because the test used nearly all the time everywhere is dubious-
the website of a SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test kit manufacturer says in red letters-
for research purposes only. Not to be used for diagnosis. .. the genetic sequences amplified may be indistinguishable from those of other covid and non-covid viruses, etc..
Apart from that, they are used are in medical procedures so they must work.
But see-
Surgical masks do not affect/prevent infection during surgery
Links to several papers, not refuted.
result of w/wo tests-
minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all!
I just stay away from people when I'm out and about, and so far I have not shot anyone, at least not since I returned home from Vietnam.
Speaking of ignorance, me dino remembers a young man smart enough to be admitted to college being asked on campus who lost the Second World War. He hopefully asked back, "China?"
Today I heard on the radio that a teacher union wants history dropped from the curriculum. Yeah, socialist wannabe commies really do dislike history being taught.