Millie Weaver Update- County Arrested Weaver on April Family Dispute After Request To Drop Charges - No Victim Smear By Authorities
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago to Politics
"This is Millie’s mother … It’s my cell phone worth about $50, that she took during a family dispute that happened months ago when I was in Ohio visiting my family. She took it because I had my phone on record during an argument we were having. We resolved the issue immediately and I dropped all charges right after it happened before I left Ohio … because it was a gross misunderstanding and no harm was done.
All families have their disagreements…especially during a quarantine…. In Ca nothing happens when you call the police…..I am shocked my family was arrested after I told the police to drop all charges months ago. I had a general affidavit of non prosecution notarized today and I spoke with the police chief , who told me I could not do anything until Monday morning and my daughter, son and her boyfriend have to stay in jail over the weekend. I am extremely upset… this is not what I wanted to happen. I think they have a lot bigger fish to fry…makes me think this might have been done to prevent her from coming out with some political information she is covering. There was no reason for this."
All families have their disagreements…especially during a quarantine…. In Ca nothing happens when you call the police…..I am shocked my family was arrested after I told the police to drop all charges months ago. I had a general affidavit of non prosecution notarized today and I spoke with the police chief , who told me I could not do anything until Monday morning and my daughter, son and her boyfriend have to stay in jail over the weekend. I am extremely upset… this is not what I wanted to happen. I think they have a lot bigger fish to fry…makes me think this might have been done to prevent her from coming out with some political information she is covering. There was no reason for this."
There is rumor that the post from her "mom" may not be legitimate? But no way to really verify. I'm inclined to believe that could be the case, but seemed odd that was what that arrest was all about...
One thing my buddies and I often remind each other..."stay out of the system". Don't get a DUI, don't run a stop sign, don't spit on the sidewalk. Once you're in the system they've got you, even if you're just an innocuous Joe Lunch Bucket. They'll get your vitals and ride your ass forever. In this case, there are extra circumstances.
I've known people like Millie. Interestingly, it's a few women I know. Perhaps being a mother gives one that extra shot of initiative to take action when you see evil... Me? I'm going to stay out the system - going Galt...
Bought into bizarre church leadership, and more bizarre back story (Adam Smith, golden tablets, “oh, only I can see them...buried, can’t find them...). One of the whoppers among the unverifiable, but of infinite authority, of religion.
Jehovahs Nitwits are one step ahead, with the Clock Tower publication that has a fallacy of logical argument hidden, like a crossword in every single episode.
My brother pointed out there are various new religions, AGW, BLM, etc. These have all the features of a religion: attacked if you disagree/discussion and ridicule not allowed; anecdotal evidence/lack of verifiable evidence, etc.
He an I consider that this new religion is filling the void of the previous God-religion of many people, who just need to be told what to believe. We both are atheists, but largely support Republicans for obvious reasons, but feel the Republicans hung on the God-religion too long, and offered no alternative. When the lemmings turned away from that, they had to find another one, and Lenin was all too ready with an alternative.
You are so right.
Maybe she's been in CA too long. Sounds more like a CA liberal action to me.
In this case the bad behavior is the kids, not the mother.
A co-worker's wife was jailed, when police were called over a fight she was having with her adult daughter.
She was released (the next day) and all charges were dropped, but legal issues, court dates and lawyers fees continued for several months, afterward.
I personally believe that lawyers and the legal system have implemented a system for "milking" such disputes, for the maximum amount of financial return.