FED 101, End the FED: Stossel last night.
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 3 months ago to Economics
Last night's episode should be required viewing. Brad Thor introduces a book that exposes the FED in a way that hopefully keeps it exciting since most people's eyes glaze over whenever the subject is broached... The link brings you to some excerpts. The entire show is worth your time. Respectfully, O.A.
When you hear someone say, "We have to pay off the national debt," it is a statement based on a faulty analysis of the situation. If we paid off the national debt, their wouldn't be a dime left in the country. Why? Because, when the bankers loan the US a dollar, we owe them say $1.05. So how would it be possible to payback the world plus 5%?(which is also the name of a short documentary on youtube, The world plus 5%) When you see "Insured by the full faith and credit of the United States Government", that is a representation of the mortgage, credit, or loan to the government under the provision that they put up some type of surety; that chattel on the great American loan, is based on the labor of the American people. Your income tax doesn't pay for much that you would expect from government. It goes mostly to pay interest to the banking elite. They are simply skimming off the top of every transaction in this country to enrich themselves at the expense of others.
There are few things that have managed to hide in the shadows as well as the Fed, but those days are about over. More and more people realize what they really are, ticks and leaches. Time to stop paying taxes to them, and giving them the sanction of the victim. If they believe they have a right to my labor and the product of it, let them come take it with force, and show their true colors. I'm tired of funding my own demise, and that of others. END THE FED!!!!
Thank you for a most excellent contribution. I couldn't agree more. END THE FED!
I say the way to cut the fed off at the knees is to get rid of legal tender laws. (I thought I said that on this post. maybe it's on another post-lol)
the federal express comment is hilarious
'The FED is dead!'
It is very important that you do NOT believe the first bit of the first sentence you wrote. My goodness - shortly after the federal reserve was created we had the 1929 stock market crash that lead into the great depression. Federal Reserve policy did nothing to help the 1970 stagflation. Did it prevent the 1987 crash? The dot-com bubble? Real estate bubble? The federal reserve's injecting of made-up dollars into the economy has resulted in many speculative bubbles. Economies aren't stable by nature, but things were absolutely less chaotic before they got involved, IMO.