FED 101, End the FED: Stossel last night.

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years, 2 months ago to Economics
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Last night's episode should be required viewing. Brad Thor introduces a book that exposes the FED in a way that hopefully keeps it exciting since most people's eyes glaze over whenever the subject is broached... The link brings you to some excerpts. The entire show is worth your time. Respectfully, O.A.
SOURCE URL: http://www.foxbusiness.com/on-air/stossel/index.html

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  • Posted by MattFranke 11 years, 2 months ago
    The Federal Reserve, that most sacred of institutions that people think we actually need. hahahaha The Fed is the root of much evil in this country. If they didn't have the means to pull "money" from thin air, most of the crap this government does would be undoable. The Federal Reserve is as federal as Federal Express. It is a private institution ran by foreign interests who have no loyalty to American ideals. On the contrary, the people who loans us our paper with interest, are the very ones wishing to subjugate our sovereignty, and make us and our children, eternal debt-slaves.
    When you hear someone say, "We have to pay off the national debt," it is a statement based on a faulty analysis of the situation. If we paid off the national debt, their wouldn't be a dime left in the country. Why? Because, when the bankers loan the US a dollar, we owe them say $1.05. So how would it be possible to payback the world plus 5%?(which is also the name of a short documentary on youtube, The world plus 5%) When you see "Insured by the full faith and credit of the United States Government", that is a representation of the mortgage, credit, or loan to the government under the provision that they put up some type of surety; that chattel on the great American loan, is based on the labor of the American people. Your income tax doesn't pay for much that you would expect from government. It goes mostly to pay interest to the banking elite. They are simply skimming off the top of every transaction in this country to enrich themselves at the expense of others.
    There are few things that have managed to hide in the shadows as well as the Fed, but those days are about over. More and more people realize what they really are, ticks and leaches. Time to stop paying taxes to them, and giving them the sanction of the victim. If they believe they have a right to my labor and the product of it, let them come take it with force, and show their true colors. I'm tired of funding my own demise, and that of others. END THE FED!!!!
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 2 months ago
      I say the way to cut the fed off at the knees is to get rid of legal tender laws. (I thought I said that on this post. maybe it's on another post-lol)
      the federal express comment is hilarious
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 2 months ago
    I have it DVRd and hope to watch it today. Using the name Federal Reserve for a privately held corporation was a stroke of marketing genius. So few know it's not a government agency. It just runs the world.
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    • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 1 month ago
      It's not a government agency, yet the president nominates their board of directors, and the Senate confirms the nominations. What other "private business" does the government appoint the leadership of? People can be forgiven for thinking it's a government agency when a chairman of the board exits and people wonder "gee, who is the PRESIDENT going to put in to replace him?"
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 1 month ago
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        • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 1 month ago
          Hah! Good call there. We'll see how permanent that situation is. I'm sure Obama would like to do more of that, but I suspect this is going to be an aberration. Well, we'll see. Around 2014/2015 when people start making their exits from the Obama administration, pay attention where they land. My eye is on the big banks. When this GM incident happened, people started calling GM "Government Motors". The federal reserve IS a govt agency, in my book. It's just not one on paper because the name of the game in Washington DC is "we hold all the power, but none of the responsibility"
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 11 years, 1 month ago
    The Fed brought financial stability to the United States for several decades until Congress repealed Glass-Steagle (with the signature of Bill Clinton), which set in motion the chain of events leading to the financial meltdown of 2008. Both major parties screwed the country, and when Wall Street collapsed, BOTH major parties turned to the Fed to bail them out, Personally, I would have let the Wall Street firms go belly up and have the Fed pick up the pieces afterwards but it is hard to know whether this could have been done quickly enough to save the economy from complete paralysis. Bernanke is far more knowledgeable on such matters than I, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt (but just barely).
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    • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years, 1 month ago
      It is very important that you do NOT believe the first bit of the first sentence you wrote. My goodness - shortly after the federal reserve was created we had the 1929 stock market crash that lead into the great depression. Federal Reserve policy did nothing to help the 1970 stagflation. Did it prevent the 1987 crash? The dot-com bubble? Real estate bubble? The federal reserve's injecting of made-up dollars into the economy has resulted in many speculative bubbles. Economies aren't stable by nature, but things were absolutely less chaotic before they got involved, IMO.
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