Why This Election Could Be the Most Important Since the US Civil War
Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
Nobody, except for a few libertarians and conservatives, are countering the purposefully destructive ideas AOC represents. And they have a very limited audience and not much of a platform. Arguing for sound money and limited government makes them seem like Old Testament prophets. Collectivism and statism are overwhelming the values of individualism and liberty.
It’s exactly the type of thing the Founders tried to guard against by restricting the vote to property owners over 21, going through the Electoral College. Now, welfare recipients who are only 18 can vote, and the Electoral College is toothless.
If you must have voting, it should only be for people 25 or over, who own a certain amount of property, so they have something to lose in the system. Most important, the government should have zero involvement in the economy.
It’s exactly the type of thing the Founders tried to guard against by restricting the vote to property owners over 21, going through the Electoral College. Now, welfare recipients who are only 18 can vote, and the Electoral College is toothless.
If you must have voting, it should only be for people 25 or over, who own a certain amount of property, so they have something to lose in the system. Most important, the government should have zero involvement in the economy.
Joking aside, I agree with your observation, bt.
I would say that they should "serve" anyone using as little power as possible, limiting the services to only what the constitution overtly allows. (Ending all corporatism and all welfare payments to everyone.)
The last several election, we have seen what is really happening, there are more people in the cities that are dependent upon government, dependent upon all authority and as a result, have little authority themselves. That results into voting for more government instead of more freedom.
It's something to think about...
Or you can’t receive campaign money from foreigners by laundering it threw BLM.
The bastards cheat and cheat and cheat with no consequences. Heavy heavy fines and jail time to deter these criminal actions.
Who was it in Atlas Shrugged who explained that laws are not intended to be enforced? Selective enforcement is a suppression tool.
eg. Fines, threat of jail for breaking hard-lockdown.
But no problem if part of a blm riot.
The property ownership thing is one I go back and forth on. The "skin in the game" principle is certainly in conflict with the "free stuff" mentality. I think the bigger thing lacking is just a critical teaching of civics in public schools. They teach the history - or try - but they don't teach the principles.
I'd insist on extensive classes and testing on the constitution and its consequences to get a voter card, and exclude anyone who doesn't pass.
I understand that some objectivists are not happy with state funded education in any form, but that ship has sailed -- at least for now.
This is the video interview of Mr. Norman Dodd who was interviewed in 1982 by G. Edward Griffith on his time as Lead Researcher for the Reese Committee of the U.S. House (1952-56) and his findings of "Tax Exempt Foundations" and their funding of Communist movements inside and outside of the U.S. Also of their funding to "change American schooling" (changing of the history to bring about "change"). This is a very open and chilling interview and exposes what the Commission found and what is still happening even today. I have the copies of the hearings from both the Reese (Rep. Carroll B. Reese was a Republican from Tenn.) and the Cox Commission Hearings on the same subject. Rep. Cox was a Democrat from Georgia who headed up the first investigation into T.E.F.'s but died before the Commission could get started with interviewing those from the Foundations themselves. The papers from the Reese Commission are over 8,000 pages, the Cox Commission are about 3,000 pages. It all is a matter of public record and is done under swore testimony before the House Committees.
I just finished re-reading Starship Troopers (Heinlein) again and the high school morality class by (Lt Colonel) Dubois sticks out to me.
On another matter, in Ohio does not allow guns in the polling places. Is that not the law in other states? Just curious.
I wear a mask and pack a pocket pistol.
Q: Who was that masked man?
A: Which one?
If Trump wins presidency, BUT the repubs loses the house and senate, he will be impeached ASAP. If the repubs win the senate, but lose the hose, there will be a repeat of the impeachment hoax, but it will go nowhere.
If the dems win the presidency, we will have a new president within a couple of years as Biden's health deteroriates. We will get a VP whose credentials are blackness and femaleness only.
If they also win one of the houses, but lose the other, we will have gridlock.
I'd raise the voting age to 30 with exceptions based on real assets owned, insist on extensive classes and testing on the constitution and its consequences to get a voter card, and exclude anyone who doesn't pass.
State governments that disagree should leave if their voters (based on state registration rules) say so in a referendum.
It's voters in FL and TX and OH that are more important at present. CA and the northeast are anti-freedom.
Trump is attempting to take down the corrupt deep state. All the while guys like Casey who portends to be anti-socialism and for individual rights fawn over the actress AOC and slam Trump.