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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 years, 6 months ago
    Yep, what we have been saying the whole time...not to mention the evidence we have need to waist Taxpayer money...I here by volunteer to drag him behind my ole F150 by the trailer hitch until dead...Only in a Ford can Justice be swift!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 4 years, 6 months ago
    They are censoring anything promising about anything other than a vaccine. This is because the vaccine will be the the largest deal (in dollars) than any transaction in the history of mankind. They treated my dad with Remdisavir (as one example). That drug works. Didn't work for him for other reasons. But, early on I bought stock in Sorrento because I knew it works. Still have the stock but it's been a dud. Should have gone through the roof. It's ALL driven by money. Now, Trump and Fauci are talking about a vax by "the election" (Trump) and by the end of the year (Fauci). Neither one of those timelines ensures efficacy. Doesn't matter. It's coming. They absolutely must roll it out before this virus does what many similar viruses do - fade away. "See...We saved you!"

    HCQ is an effective antiviral. Another notable topic is inhaled steroid treatments. That's been squashed too...

    Since I watched my son get injured by vaccines 15 years ago I have watched my fellow Americans clamor for more vaccines. A bunch of people vaccinated for measles get it and they us that to force the MMR on school kids in California. On and on...the stories have since unfolded before my eyes. Now this: A very untested technology being used on this vaccine (probably will "require" three injections, by the way). The first ever released coronavirus vaccine, after decades of many (including Fauci) failing to produce one that was safe or effective. The Feds making a deal with a camera company to produce meds in this pandemic (read about that's a doosy). Several people being substantially harmed in trials of this vax (Moderna, in Seattle). The American people are going to get what they asked for with this. Blanket application of this will come with consequences - ugly permanent ones. I'll quit beating this drum here. But, the government isn't going to give you health, my friends. My dad argued with me for years about that. His immune system was so screwed up as a result that he slipped the bonds of earth Tuesday.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago
    Additional charts showing some of the data in this study:

    If we jail Fauci for being wrong, then probably more than half of the doctors in the world should be jailed, too.
    Maybe that would improve the average medical care but overall the result would be much higher costs and less people receiving care.
    If it cam be proven that Fauci has a vested interest in suppressing the use of HCQ and did so for personal gain, then that is a different matter and he should be prosecuted along with the CEO's of big Pharma involved. Fine the companies for 90% of profits for 2 decades as a warning and example to others.
    Either way it should be made clear that Fauci has been a primary adviser to several presidents and his reputation preceded him. If the policies that he recommended were wrong, then Fauci should take the blame since he is the supposed "expert", not Trump.

    I agree that the suppression of the news of worldwide success of COVID treatment using HCQ , and the suppression of access to HCQ in the US has likely resulted in thousands of deaths of Americans, and driven the cost of treating COVID to much higher levels. It has also resulted in the destruction of many small businesses and insane deficit spending by the federal government. This is criminal and should be investigated and anyone who had a hand in the conspiracy prosecuted.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 6 months ago
      Here is the link to the website that is collating all the studies on the subject:

      I think the story that there is a lot of suppression to be in favor of the Big Parma solutions they control, is probably true, Fauci is supposedly well into stock in the company with the latest one they talk about. Follow the money..

      I am all for capitalism, but not manipulative capitalism....and not with lives. HCQ is about 90 cents a day and generic, notice everything they talk about is NOT? Coincidence?
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      • Posted by Dobrien 4 years, 6 months ago
        If the Fake news wasn’t complicit Dr Anthony Fucki would be exposed to all. HCQ with Zinc and a z-pak. We have known this for months now.
        Instead we get the phony studies that are also fraudulent.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago
        It really upsets me that I have no access to HCQ where I live. Members of CON-gress and the POTUS are taking it, but the federal government is not letting the general public have access through the FOOLISH DRUG ADMINISTRATION criminal withholding permission and stockpiling but not releasing HCQ.
        The FDA does little but fill the pockets of big pharma and kill innocent Americans.
        Who is Henry Bowman ?
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        • Posted by $ 4 years, 6 months ago
          So, the Patriots have not been able to do much about the swamp yet, they have only been able to remove a few swamp things, and the FDA is crawling with them, all owned by big pharma. Why do you think Fauci is so enamored with Remsiver? He owns a boatload of stock in the company...the demonrats have pretty much locked up HCQ, the few doctors prescribing it are inundated and they get hammered by the pharmacies that won't fill their prescriptions. Remember, you can drink Tonic Water for the quinine and take zinc and be fairly secure.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 4 years, 6 months ago
            About 90 people reportedly died of COVID today in the state where I live. My guess is that most of them would be alive if HCQ wasn't being suppressed as a treatment. Perhaps the patriots need to recall the events at Concord and act accordingly. The GOP gang is not getting the job done. The POTUS needs more allies and less CINO's.
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            • Posted by $ 4 years, 6 months ago
              There is a lot of things going on people are not seeing and not being reported, like the CDC is re-evaluating deaths, they have over 4,000 deaths that were due to non CV19 that were claimed, and another herd of them that had secondary causes like pneumonia, flu, motorcycle wrecks, suicide, etc... so the total numbers are going to change.
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