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  • Posted by rdjohnson56 4 years, 6 months ago
    Yep. This particular piece is spot on. I get Imprimis regularly. If you donate to Hillsdale College just one time, you will get the Imprimis publication regularly. These people are great when discussing economic freedom. But be careful with these folks. I've seen articles from them, too, supporting and arguing for continuation of drug war.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 4 years, 6 months ago
    A well-written article that confirms what I've been hearing from the guest on Coast to Coast AM. Some of them have expanded on the topic of the abuse occurring in Blue Sates on there reporting of rates of infections and false reporting of deaths by Covid19. They also reported that the testing results aren't accurate due to the fact that the testing facilities are showing reactions from other Corona Viruses that the people tested may have in their bodies in other words "false positives". I beginning to believe that the haste in testing can be causing more problems hence the grab for power by the leftist politicians under the guise of pseudo-science.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 4 years, 6 months ago
    It is time to face the fact, governors of both parties are scientifically and some economically ignorant. It is time to throw self serving commie FAuci to the curb. It is time to see the seond wave is when the supposedly immune, according to Igg testing, falls apart. It is time to see only naturaly immunit, T cell immunity will save us, which means lose the masks, breathe fresh air, and be with people. Only that will save us, and the economy. For four months, this senior went about life as usual, whopping, coffee with cohorts, maskless, only social distancing. We were all fine. Now, we have the mask mandate, thatnks to a clueless DeWine who knows less than his "guardian angel in a white coat,", equally dumb Dr. Amy. Meanwhile, businesses close for good. Waitresses are hurting terribly. One mgr. is working three jobs to make ends meet. Jobs are going unfilled, because of stupid scre tactics about the virus. The virus will be with us, is likely in every home, actually, but those who got natural immunity by continued and light exposure, are fine. Those exposed to the corona viurs via US colds for years, farm animal slaiva, and other sources, have often become immunit to COVID19. The vaccine is not the end all, as there is a strong chance immunity by vaccine may be fleeting. We have to live and work, and 99% chance we will be fine. Risky freedom, or more risky imprisonment?
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  • Posted by Flootus5 4 years, 6 months ago
    A very well written article and stands as a good "primer" for those just beginning to attempt to understand what is going on.

    There should be a Part II. I have been watching with a growing disconcerting realization that the problems are more deeply entrenched. It is glaringly obvious that this "spontaneous" eruption of anarchy across the entire nation - replete with its common slogans, common manufactured complaints, and rhetoric is well planned and funded. And we have a very good list of the Who's Who behind it. But nowhere in the Republican Party, conservative media, and or Trump for that matter are getting to the source of it all. I have wondered for years why George Soros, his Open Society groups, Rockefeller Foundations, and all the affiliates are not brought squirming into the disinfecting sunlight.

    Is there no one left capable of this? Is it that far gone? The cost of not doing so is everything.
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