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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years, 4 months ago
    I mean no offense, but it is NOT great when the Left eats its own, like they have eaten Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger recently. Compare the rate of societal change to bone tissue engineering. If the rate of resorption of "old" bone is too fast, then you get osteoporosis. If the rate of growth of osteoblasts is too slow, then the bone never gets enough blood and enervation to prosper. There is a happy medium between angiogenesis and resorption. Likewise, a healthy society should have some constant change, but not too much or too little. Right now, we are seeing the destruction of society at a such an alarming rate that the weeds/chaff of Marxism will replace the wheat of free enterprise.
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    • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 4 months ago
      jbrenner is right.
      It is great fun when the enemy attacks itself, good chuckles and belly laughs to be had, but caution.
      An individual enemy should be defended when unjustly accused (even tho' guilty of other crimes).

      Remember Pastor Neimuller-
      First they came for.. I said nothing
      .. ..
      Then they came for me. There was no one to say anything.
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    • Posted by $ 4 years, 4 months ago
      None taken. If I can't handle replies with opinions different from (or that contradict) mine, I've got no business posting anything.

      If my position is taken to the nth degree, then I agree with you. But that wasn't my intent; my perspective was much more shallow than that.

      There was an instance about 6 weeks ago when Chris Palmer, an NBA reporter for ESPN, tweeted a picture of something burning in Minneapolis with the caption "Burn that [crap] down. Burn it all down."

      But when these alleged protesters stormed his gated community (God, how often these freaking libs feel free to lob their social justice grenades from inside their gated communities), he changed his tune. Changed it a lot.

      His NIMBY tweet in response to them showing up where he lives:

      "Tear up your own [crap]. Don’t come to where we live at and tear our neighborhood up. We care about our community. If you don’t care about yours I don’t give a [crap]."

      It's this degree of "eating their own" that I was referring to.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years, 4 months ago
        Of course, it provides some sense of "justice" when libs get such just desserts, but other libs view that sort of collateral damage as acceptable. Look at past Marxist revolutions, particularly the 1st and 2nd revolutions in what became the Soviet Union in 1917. One set of leftists cleared the arena, and then the second set of leftists cleared out the first set of leftists.
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        • Posted by Lucky 4 years, 4 months ago
          The old regime was overthrown by the Mensheviks, the moderates, the democrats, they did the dirty work, campaigning and propaganda, violence, then the Bolsheviks marched in and took over. A similar attempt was made after WW2 in Greece by the communists, the country was in chaos, the communist party saw no opposition, but Churchill organized resistance just in time.
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        • Posted by $ 4 years, 4 months ago
          I agree; they do see that kind of collateral damage as acceptable. Bill Maher said that he was fine if this country plunged into a huge recession, knowing that a bunch of the middle and lower class would be hurt by it. He figured it was well worth the price paid to get Trump out of office.
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 4 years, 4 months ago
            The reason that they see such collateral damage as acceptable is because it de-empowers those affected as collateral damage. Their enemy is We the Living and self-sufficient.
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