Government Malfeasance
Excellent article. One part in particular struck me:
"Capital is accumulated effort and innovation, the sum of human achievement and imagination. Its creation is the aim of civilization."
Your thoughts?
"Capital is accumulated effort and innovation, the sum of human achievement and imagination. Its creation is the aim of civilization."
Your thoughts?
He has already been thinking of Class Action suit regarding government malfeasance and a remote possibility of manslaughter due to actions and policy of NIH. Lawyers and due diligence take time to surface in any publicity of this massive an offense. I'll not hold my hopes too high, yet it may bring reasonable questioning to the public view.
That inheritance includes violent revolution against a powerful politician who ignored the needs of Americans.
If Trump won't prosecute the traitors, the time to impose that inheritance has come.
I don't know it capital gains a measure of society, but certainly our government institutions have dealt us a bad hand!